By: Daniel Fisher, Matthew Demilio and Thad Flood Weather By: Daniel Fisher, Matthew Demilio and Thad Flood
What is Weather Weather is the current state of atmosphere, including short-term variations such as temperature and precipitation Basically the things that interact to affect the environment and earth's life These things take place over seconds, minutes, hours or even sometimes days.
Climate Weather over a long period of time is called climate The definition of climate is the average temperature over a period of time, usually being about 30 years or more. The study of all these terms is known as meteorology. Meteorology is the study of the atmosphere.
Global Winds The atmosphere balances itself by acting as a giant heat-transferring system It does this by moving warm air to the poles and cool air towards the equator
Global Winds Cont. Trade winds - two belts of winds blowing from east to west Westerlies -wind belts that dominate west to east of the atmosphere (jet streams occurs here) Polar easterlies -are the dry cold prevailing winds that blow from the high pressure areas of the polar highs at the north and south pole
The Types of Weather There are many types of weather, these include things like: Thunderstorms Sleet Hurricanes Hail Tornados Snow Rain
What Causes Weather? Weather can change very fast, it can change in a matter of minutes. It causes from the earth moving around the sun. Because of the round shape of earth, the sun does not always directly hit it. The sun hits the earth the most at the equator and the least at the poles. This makes it very hot at the equator, and very cold at the poles.
Weather Maps A weather map is a map that shows many different meteorological features across a particular area at a particular point in time. As you can see, this graph has the weather, or the symbol of it. The wind speed and the amount of cloud cover
Weather Maps Cont. Areas with an H have higher air pressure, and areas with an L are lower pressure areas. Lower air pressure is usually associated with cloudy or stormy weather. Air moves clockwise around higher pressure areas and counterclockwise around lower pressure areas. Blue lines with triangles are cold fronts, while red lines with half circles are warm fronts the edges show which direction it is moving. A line that mixes between the two is a stationary front. A purple line with both shapes is an occluded front.
La Nina and El Nino El Nino is a weather occurrence every few years in the pacific region. El Nino causes a temperature change in the water and atmosphere La Nina is the opposite, where the weather gets colder in a certain period of time. La Nina is caused by a build-up of cooler-than-normal waters in the tropical Pacific, it brings cold water to the surface caused by an upwelling.
Hurricanes What causes a hurricane? When water vapor condenses, it forms clouds and rain. This warms the surrounding rain causing a hurricane
Tornadoes What is a tornado? A tornado is a revolving cone shaped vortex that picks up and destroys things as it passes What causes a tornado? A tornado is caused by updrafts and downdrafts in the windshear, creating a tornado vortex
What is a barometer A barometer is a tool used for measuring air pressure.