Utilizing Collaborative Web 2 Utilizing Collaborative Web 2.0 Sites and Visualization Tools for Learning Science Katherine Hayden: Cal University San Marcos Youwen Ouyang: Cal University San Marcos Bill Simpson: San Marcos Unified School District
Cal State San Marcos Projects CyberTEAM iQUEST (Investigations for Quality Understanding and Engagement for Students and Teachers) Preparing 21st Century Workforce in STEM Focus on underserved populations Create free resources for teaching science Partners include San Marcos Unified School District, CA State Parks, Rochester Institute of Technology and Scripps Institute of Oceanography
Focus on Student NETS http://www.iste.org/
IRIS Seismic Monitor http://www.iris.edu/dms/seismon.htm Learning Object
Balloon Toss Learning Object Newton's 2nd Law. Enjoyed by both girls and boys of all ages. Data downloadable for further analyses. Russ Bird, an 8th grade physical science teacher at Mesa Verde Middle School, Poway Unified School Districts http://www.powayusd.com/teachers/rbird/physical/balloon_fight_force_activity.htm
U. S. Geological Survey: Volcanoes Hazards Program http://volcanoes.usgs.gov/ Learning Object
Flash-based Epicenter Locating Tools http://www.csusm.edu/cyberteam/tools/felt.html Learning Object
Environmental Kids Club http://www.epa.gov/kids/
Carbon Footprint Calculator http://www.zerofootprintkids.com/kids_home.aspx
Videoconferencing Diagram created on bubbl.us
STANDARDS Videoconferencing NETS Science Language Arts Communication and Collaboration Digital Citizenship Research and Information Fluency Science Primary Sources of Information Access to Experts Questioning Skills/Scientific Method Language Arts Oral Language Critical Listening Note Taking/Summarizing STANDARDS
Videoconferencing & Science Current: Brad Krey, CA Parks PORTS Project http://www.ports.parks.ca.gov/ Planned: Rochester Institute of Technology CILC database of videoconferencing links http://www.cilc.org/c/education/videoconferencing_site_directory.aspx CAHSN (CA High Speed Network, KIDS Program http://www.k12hsn.org/conferencing/training/kids.php Free Training, Software, and Web Camera Free access to Video Conferencing Bridge
Videoconferencing Things to Think About Start Simple Learn the Protocol (student preparation, muting mics, scripting, what to wear, backgrounds, etc.) Blend VC with other technologies to foster collaboration. (Instant messaging, chat, Google Docs, Moodle, Discussion Boards, Twitter) Learn to use a bridge for Multi-Point calls (Reservations, management, scripting, etc.)
Videoconferencing Resources ISTE Publications: Classroom walls are coming down, and virtual classrooms are going up in their place! Discover how bringing interactive videoconferencing (IVC) into standards-based lessons increases your students’ learning, interaction, and enthusiasm. California High Speed Network Your Technology Department Local Vendors Polycom Tanberg Sony
Google Earth Google Earth Lessons: http://www.gelessons.com/lessons/
Interactive Tools http://www.go2web20.net/
“Co-Creating may become one of the most powerful engines of change and innovations that the education world will experience”. Mike King 2007
Interactive Collaborative What is Web 2.0? Web 1.0 Retroactive Name of the Web Static Searchable The Machine is Us/ing Us New Generation of Web Tools Interactive Collaborative Digital Toolbox: Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts
http://del.icio.us/ Keep all your bookmarks in delicious and access them from home, office, anywhere. Share your bookmarks with family, friends, and colleagues. Discover new sites from the delicious community (browse, find, get recommendations).
Blogs Promote critical and analytical thinking Promote creativity, intuitive and associational thinking Promote analogical thinking Combine the best of solitary reflection and social interaction
Wiki Wiki-wiki means quick in Hawaiian Facilitates publishing Requires managing - anyone can edit! Password protecting is an option
PB Wiki Example http://aup4sd.pbwiki.com/
Videos Shared Online YouTube Rock Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EstP28UM-rM Buoyancy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyYt4U-phh0
Questions? Session Resources Posted Online: http://www.csusm.edu/cyberteam