The communion of the saints PRETI, Mattia Christ in Glory c. 1660 Oil on canvas, 220 x 253 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid The communion of the saints 20 ©Fr. Mark Emman H. Sese
Compendium of the Catechism 194. What is the meaning of the “communion of saints”? 946-953 960 This expression indicates first of all the common sharing of all the members of the Church in holy things (sancta): the faith, the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, the charisms, and the other spiritual gifts. At the root of this communion is love which “does not seek its own interests” (1 Corinthians 13:5) but leads the faithful to “hold everything in common” (Acts 4:32), even to put one’s own material goods at the service of the most poor.
Introduction The Church is the body of Christ, to which all the faithful here on earth, those in purgatory and the saints in heaven belong. And among these three groups there is a vital interrelation, similar to that of the members of a family, who make the family and help each other. This communion of life and supernatural goods between the members of the Church with her Head, and among members themselves, is what we call the Communion of the saints. After we have professed our faith in the “Holy Catholic Church”, the Creed of the Apostles continues with “the communion of Saints”. This is something implicit in our faith in the Church. An author of the first centuries of the Church states: “What is the Church but the communion of saints?” The Church is the body of Christ, to which all the faithful here on earth, those in purgatory and the saints in heaven belong. And among these three groups there is a vital interrelation, similar to that of the members of a family, who make the family and help each other. This communion of life and supernatural goods between the members of the Church with her Head, and among members themselves, is what we call the Communion of the saints. EYCK, Jan van The Ghent Altarpiece: Adoration of the Lamb (detail) 1425-29 Oil on wood Cathedral of St Bavo, Ghent
Main ideas ©Fr. Mark Emman H. Sese
1. Through Baptism we are incorporated within the body of the Church With baptism we enter the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ. When we receive baptism we unite ourselves with Christ, who is the Head of this body, and we begin to become living members. If we lose God’s grace, we detach ourselves from the Head and become dead members. With baptism we enter the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ. That is the reason why we say that through baptism we become part of the body of Christ. When we receive baptism we unite ourselves with Christ, who is the Head of this body, and we begin to become living members. If we lose God’s grace, we detach ourselves from the Head and become dead members. It is like if a hand separates itself from the body. That hand would decompose, die and be good for nothing. As a consequence, we strive to live always in state of grace. POUSSIN, Nicolas The Sacrament of Baptism 1642 Oil on canvas, 95,3 x 121,6 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington
2. Each member is united to the other members In the mystical body of Christ, grace is similar to the blood in the human body. Grace and other God’s gifts set up a communion of supernatural grace between the members and the Head, and among the members themselves. We know very well that when good blood reaches all the members it helps them to be alive and intercommunicate with others. In the mystical body of Christ, grace is similar to the blood in the human body. Grace and other God’s gifts set up a communion of supernatural grace between the members and the Head, and among the members themselves. DÜRER, Albrecht The Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand 1508 Oil on canvas transferred from panel, 99 x 87 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
3. The union among the saints in heaven, the souls in purgatory and the faithful here on earth The Church is made up of: those who having being baptized live here on earth (militant Church), the saints in heaven (triumphant Church), and those who are purifying their souls before entering heaven (suffering Church). These three states are united, since Christ, the only Head, is the life that vivifies everybody. The Church is not made up only of those who having being baptized live here on earth (militant Church). Also the saints in heaven (triumphant Church) and those who are purifying their souls before entering heaven (suffering Church) are part of the Church. These three states are united, since Christ, the only Head, is the life that vivifies everybody. CARRACCI, Lodovico An Angel Frees the Souls of Purgatory c. 1610 Oil on canvas, 44 x 51 cm Pinacoteca, Vatican
4. The communication of the fruits in the Church In the Church takes place something similar to blood transfusions. Christ’s grace, the merits of the Blessed Virgin and of the saints keep our soul alive like a blood transfusion keeps the body alive. Our prayers and our good actions are like good blood that we give to others: our parents, brothers, friends, … and also to the souls in purgatory. And the good actions of other members of the Church help our souls. The life of the Body of Christ is the grace: the supernatural life that the members receive from the Head. Because of the grace the members are closely united with the Head and among themselves. Christ infuses His gifts –the sense of faith and the drive of charity– and the faithful adore and praise God; the saints in heaven help us and the souls in purgatory; and we invoke the saints’ intercession. We who are still on earth help each other and the souls in purgatory, and the souls in purgatory intercede for us. In the Church takes place something similar to blood transfusions. Christ’s grace, the merits of the Blessed Virgin and of the saints keep our soul alive like a blood transfusion keeps the body alive. Our prayers and our good actions are like good blood that we give to others: our parents, brothers, friends, … and also to the souls in purgatory. And the good actions of other members of the Church help our souls. UNKNOWN MASTER, Flemish Portrait of a Young Man at Prayer 1480s Oil on oak panel, 30,5 x 21,5 cm San Diego Museum of Art, San Diego
5. How to live the communion of saints The best way to live the communion of saints is to receive the sacraments. Another way is to invoke the Blessed Virgin and the saints asking them to obtain for us many graces from God. We could help the souls in purgatory offering mass, work and prayers because they are longing to enter God’s glory. We could also help the militant Church –Christians who are still in pilgrimage here on earth—offering different things to God for their sake. The communion of saints is such a fruitful and consoling reality, and so important for the life and sanctity of the Church, that we cannot overlook the chances to live it fighting to improve ourselves and to help others. The best way to live the communion of saints is to receive the sacraments, because it is through grace that we can unite ourselves more with God who is Himself Holy. Another way is to invoke the Blessed Virgin and the saints asking them to obtain for us many graces from God. We could help the souls in purgatory offering mass, work and prayers because they are longing to enter God’s glory. We could also help the militant Church –Christians who are still in pilgrimage here on earth—offering different things to God for their sake. RAFFAELLO Sanzio St George Fighting the Dragon 1505 Oil on wood, 32 x 27 cm Musée du Louvre, Paris
Resolutions for Christian life ©Fr. Mark Emman H. Sese
Resolutions to move forward One way to live the communion of saints is to pray during the mass for the souls in purgatory. When a Christian behaves properly, he or she helps the other members of the Church. This responsibility should help us to lead a better Christian life every day.