Chapter 8 Learning Target 7.23


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 8 Learning Target 7.23 Chinese Inventions Chapter 8 Learning Target 7.23

Learning Target 7.23 Read and study the notes provided. After studying each slide and looking at the pictures, turn to page 7.23 in your learning target notebook. You should already have the learning target written in the margin and have both sides of your paper divided into four boxes (one for each invention). ON THE FRONT: Using the notes provided, write at least three facts about each invention. Facts should be written in your own words. ON THE BACK: Draw and color a picture to represent each invention. Pictures must fill the entire box.

Learning Target 7.23 I can trace the spread of Chinese technology to other parts of Asia, the Islamic world, and Europe including… papermaking, wood-block printing, the compass, and gunpowder.

Video Link Time in video--8:50-10:25 Time in video--11:50-13:00-14:03 NOTE: The video may not be available for viewing at school. However, you can still complete the assignment without watching the video.

Learning Target 7.23 papermaking wood-block printing In your learning target notebook, divide both sides of page 7.23 into four boxes. Label each box with one Chinese invention (both sides of the page). compass gunpowder

Papermaking and Woodblock Printing

Papermaking Paper had been invented during the Han dynasty. During the Tang dynasty, paper was produced in large amounts. The invention of printing also led the Chinese to invent paper currency [money]. It had the same value as coin money, but was lighter to carry. It helped both the economy and cities to grow.

Wood-Block Printing Before printing, books were copied by hand and were very expensive. Chinese Buddhist monks began woodblock printing in the A.D. 600s. Chinese characters [letters] were carved into a block. Then they put ink on the block and pressed a piece of paper onto it. The printers rubbed the sheet of paper to transfer the Chinese characters onto the page.

Wood-Block Printing With wood-block printing, changes could not be made once the wooden block was carved. In the A.D. 1000s, a Chinese printer solved this printing problem by inventing movable type. Each character is an individual piece and could be rearranged to form sentences.


Compass About A.D. 1150, Chinese inventors perfected the magnetic compass. It helped sailors navigate their ships’ locations and sail farther away from land, helping them sail to Southeast Asia, India, and other places to the west. The also built large ships with rudders and sails, which helped with steering.


Gunpowder Gunpowder was another invention created during the Tang dynasty. It was used in explosives and weapons. It changed the way wars were fought and gave the Chinese army more power. Gunpowder was also used to make fireworks.

What Do You Think? Which Chinese invention has made the greatest impact on the world? Why? Support your answer with details [and text evidence].