“The unexamined life is not worth living.” -Socrates Ancient Greece “The unexamined life is not worth living.” -Socrates
The Polis By 700 BC the polis (city-state) emerged as basic political unit of Greece Citizens could vote, hold public office, own property and speak for themselves in court In return, citizens were expected to serve in government and defend polis during wartime
Sparta and Athens Two major city-states were Sparta and Athens Sparta: located in southern Greece; a very skilled, warlike society Athens: located in central Greece; free society that was known for artistic and intellectual achievements Athens was first to develop idea of democracy, with a written constitution
Persian War Persia vs. Greece, in 490 BC Persian forces tried to invade Greece at Marathon, 25 miles north of Athens They were surprised by the Greeks there and defeated
The Legend of the Marathon The modern-day marathon began as a tribute to Greek soldier Pheidippides He ran from Marathon to Athens after the defeat of Persia to claim “victory” for Greece, then collapsed and died The first marathon was held to commemorate his death at the first modern Olympics in 1896 in Greece
Peloponnesian War Sparta vs. Athens, 431 – 404 BC Athens surrendered in 404 BC Long war left Greece economically weak, politically unstable, and with a decrease in population. This left Greece vulnerable to attack.
Pericles After Persian War, Pericles (Athenian General) rebuilt Athens and made it the most beautiful city in Greece Built Parthenon, temple of goddess, Athena Encouraged idea of democracy
Olympic Games Began in 776 BC A series of athletic competitions between Greek city-states Held to honor Greek God Zeus (king of Gods) and Pelops (king of Olympia) Held every four years
Socrates First Greek philosopher Developed Socratic Method—stimulate thinking, questions and answers Laid foundation for Western Philosophy Socrates was put on trial and found guilty of corrupting the minds of Athenian youth He was sentenced to death by poison
Plato Student of Socrates Mathematician and philosopher Started the Academy in Athens, first institution of higher learning in western world In 360 BC, wrote “The Republic” about philosophy and political theory
Aristotle Student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great Scientist, mathematician, philosopher Earliest formal study of logic and science First to observe facts and generalize information from data
Herodotus First Greek historian—considered “Father of History” in Western culture Studied fact vs. legend by asking questions, checking sources and recording answers Wrote well constructed, written narratives Wrote The Histories about the Greco-Persian Wars
Pythagoras Greek mathematician—considered “the father of numbers” Created Pythagorean Theorem: still used in Geometry today (a^2+b^2 = c^2)
Hippocrates Ancient Greek physician—considered the “father of medicine” Developed Hippocratic Oath: code for ethical behavior in medicine