Ch._5 Socialization
What would you be like if you had not been socialized? What case studies gives an insight into the lack of socialization?
Critical thinking question How does one’s preference for a nature or nurture explanation of behavior influence the type of social policy that one favors to reduce crime, poverty, violence?
Why did the institutionalized patient have no emotion?
Do other species have developmental damage when not socialized? What study helps us understand this?
What do you have as a result of socialization? Personality Thought Self concept
How did you get your personality?
According to Freud… What part of your personality comes from socialization? What part comes from biology What part deals with the conflict between biology and society?
How did you get your ability to think and reason? What were Piaget’s stages of mental development? What tests determined that the child had progressed to the next stage? Can you describe these tests?
Your self esteem - Who do you think you are? What is self esteem? Where does it come from? What creates low self esteem? What are the consequences of low self esteem? How can you increase self esteem in: Yourself? Others?
Your self esteem - Who do you think you are? What is Mead’s concept of the generalized other? How did you develop this “Generalized other”?
Your self esteem - Who do you think you are? What is Cooley’s concept of the “Looking Glass Self”? Can you give an example? What does this mean for you?
Resocialization & Total institutions How does the military use Goffman’s concept of resocialization and the concept of total institutionalization?