Multiculturalism in Higher Education; fact or fiction? Sue C Jones Sian L Howells David Timmins David Wood Jane Speck Po Li Tan
Surface vs Deep Culture Music Dress Food Time Self Values Beauty Truth Visible Artefacts Unconscious Assumptions 2
Political ‘Correctness’ There is often no ‘right and wrong’, ‘black and white’ is there? Media representations of CAS can be interesting to study Are we as culturally aware and sensitive as we like to think we are? Video clip 1 Video clip 2 3
CAS Project Research aims Methodological design and methods Use of IDI; DMIS & validity Data generated & methods of data analysis Qualitative and quantitative Key findings Implications 4
Six Stages of the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity Applied to Learning After Bennett (1986) & May & Kruger (1988) Self-centric stages Multi-relative stages Denial Defence Minimisation Acceptance Adaptation Integration Unconsciously incompetent Consciously incompetent Consciously competent Unconsciously competent
Results; IDI Group Profile Cohort 1 (MPharm 1 2009/10) OG = 31.28 Cohort 2 (MPharm 1 2010/11) OG = 23.56 Cohort 3 (MPharm 4 2010/11) OG = 20.16 6
Impact; Reflective Accounts “From the IDI profile it showed that, as a group, we are less culturally aware than we seem to think.” “I feel that this is a very accurate description of me, personally. I felt before the workshop that I knew quite a lot about other cultures and that I would recognise any objects significant to any cultures; however through this workshop I realise how unaware of many different cultures I am.” 7
Impact; Transformation Reflective A/C 1 Reflective A/C 2 “...we thoroughly revelled in learning about one another in terms of our diverse traditions and religions which are comprised within that term of culture, but admittedly we struggled to see the association and impact this will have on our future careers...” “Hopefully after seeing the impact of culture in the healthcare profession we will gradually transition...into a more culture conscious frame of mind...” 8
Cultural Identity “...there are no differences really...we are all brown and Indian...” (S1C3 Kenyan descent, home) “... My group were 3 Muslims and my stereotype of thinking ok we are all Muslims we are the same, but there was part of my shallow look at people because I discovered each one interpreted things differently...” (S1C1 Middle Eastern, overseas) “...when people first asked me I just said that, cause I’m close to my religion, but it gave me room [the teaching] to think about myself and how I portray to other people...” (S2C1 Far Eastern, overseas) 9
Conclusions The pedagogical methodology developed has potential far beyond pharmacy or healthcare With the UK population continually changing and becoming more diverse, both the public sector and private sector will increasingly need to deal with these differences. This methodology could be the key 10