Copyright © American Speech-Language-Hearing Association From: The Time-Course of Lexical Activation During Sentence Comprehension in People With Aphasia Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2012;21(2):S179-S189. doi:10.1044/1058-0360(2012/11-0109) Legend: (a) A sample sentence and corresponding probe pictures from the online cross modal picture priming task in Experiments 1 and 2. The sentence was presented auditorily at a normal speech rate. Probe pictures were presented at the offset of the direct object noun in each sentence (italics) and at three subsequent test points at 400-ms intervals. Approximate probe positions in each sentence are indicated by *. Probe pictures for the related and control conditions are depicted, though only one probe picture was presented on each individual trial. (b) The paired sentence that had the same probe pictures to depict counterbalancing of related and control probes. In this matched sentence design, the pictures related to the direct object noun for one sentence were used as the unrelated control pictures for the direct object noun of another sentence (e.g., as indicated by the dashed box around animal trainer), so that over all items, the related and control sets of pictures were identical, avoiding response time confounds due to differences between pictures. Date of download: 10/21/2017 Copyright © American Speech-Language-Hearing Association