Project: IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [TGn Liaison Report] Date Submitted: [18May2006] Source: [John Barr] Company [Motorola] Address [1303 E. Golf Road, Schuamburg, IL 60196] Voice:[+1 847 576-8706], FAX: [+1 847 576-6758], E-Mail:[] Re: [] Abstract: [Liaison report to inform 802.15 WG of actions taken by 802.11n.] Purpose: [Information Exchange] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE 802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by 802.15. July 2004 doc.: IEEE 802.15-04/0395r0 Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola John Barr, Motorola
July 2004 doc.: IEEE 802.15-04/0395r0 Summary P802.11n Draft 1.0 approved in March for WG Letter Ballot - FAILED: (only 352 voters) YES: 149 (46.5%) NO: 171 ABSTAIN: 32 Largest number of comments EVER! Total 12277 Unique 7585 Editorial 4130 Hard Editorial 26 Technical 3429 1632 Technical (solution provided with consensus) 749 Submission Technical (submission required for solution) 1048 Disputed Technical (no consensus on proposed solution) Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola John Barr, Motorola
Comments per Page Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola
Ad Hoc Document Summary Ad Hoc Topic .xls resolution file # Revision as of Thur 8 am PSMP 687 8 CA Doc 731 2 Frame Format 717 5 PHY 693 MAC 690 Coexistence 724 3 Beamforming & Adaptation 675 7 General 688 Editorial 706 Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola
Rate of Progress On Monday, summary report of 6.4 minutes for each comment resolution. At this rate, resoution of 3394 technical comments would take 362 hours (45 (8 hour days) or 9 full weeks) Result will probably be a brand new letter ballot due to the complexity of the problem Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola
TGn Update Items P802.11n_D1.0.pdf and 11-06-0338-03-000n-ca-document-doc.doc submitted as LB84 on March 19 closing on April 28. The supporting documents: 11-06-0541-06-000n-tgn-d1-0-lb84.xls 11-06-0606-00-000n-tgn-comment-status-and-resolution-process.ppt 11-06-0688-09-000n-tgn-general-comment-adhoc-group.xls 11-06-0693-09-000n-resolution-phy-comments-from-lb8484.xls 11-06-0694-00-000n-tgn-phy-ad-hoc-operation.ppt 11-06-0696-00-000n-beamforming-and-adaptation-ad-hoc-agenda.ppt 11-06-0697-01-000n-beamforming-through-subspace-tracking-mimo-ofdm-using-limited-feedback.ppt 11-06-0706-00-000n-tgn-d1-0-lb84-editorial-plus-duplicates.xls 11-06-0707-00-000n-tgn-editorial-ad-hoc-cumulative-minutes.doc 11-06-0715-00-000n-psmp-ad-hoc-operation-and-goals-may-meeting.ppt 11-06-0717-05-000n-tgn-lb84-frame-format-adhoc-group.xls 11-06-0718-03-000n-tgn-lb84-frame-format-adhoc-group-operation.ppt 11-06-0724-04-000n-tgn-d1-0-lb84-coexist-com-res.xls 11-06-0732-01-000n-dual-cts-er-nr-considerations.ppt 11-06-0744-02-000n-section-6-1-5.ppt 11-06-0759-00-000n-motion-request-assigned-numbers.ppt 11-06-0761-02-000n-motions-related-to-phy-ad-hoc-lb84-resolution.ppt 11-06-0771-00-000n-mac-adhoc-may-status-lb84-resolution.ppt 11-06-0774-00-000n-beamforming-and-adaptation-adhoc-may-2006-status-lb84-resolution.ppt 11-06-0780-01-000n-tgn-psmp-adhoc-group-may-status-and-planned-activity-until-santa-clara-f2f.ppt 11-06-0782-00-000n-lb84-cadoc-adhoc-report-may-06.ppt 11-06-0787-00-000n-tgn-editor-closing-report-may-2006.ppt 11-06-0528-05-000n-tgn-may-06-opening-report.ppt Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola
Actions Moving Forward May 31 - June 1 ad hoc comment resolution in Santa Clara, CA July 12-14 ad hoc near San Diego July 17-21 IEEE 802 Plenary in San Diego Only 9 (8 hour days) planned …. need 45 Weekly conference calls at 11AM EDT beginning on May 24th. Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola
Oops! Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola This image is in the public domain since the copyright has expired in the United States and those countries with a copyright term of the life of the author plus 100 years or less. Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola