The Czech Republic Pupils from Tylova Primary School in Písek, the Czech Republic
The Czech Republic land-locked country in the Central Europe borders with Poland 761,8 km Germany 810,3 km Austria 466,3 km Slovakia 251,8 km Our president: Mr. Václav Klaus
The Czech Republic
Písek – our town (
Mountains the highest mountain is Mount Sněžka 1602 m above the sea level
Traditional products and companies glass (lead crystal Bohemia, cut glass Moser) china (Thun) czech garnet jewellery (český granát) costume jewellery (Jablonec) Beer (Prazdroj – Pilsner Urquel, Budvar - Budweiser) herbal spirit (Becherovka) mineral water (Mattoni) steel engineering (Škoda, ČKD) cars (Škoda) radars (Věra) planes (Aero) shoes (Baťa) pianos (Petrof)
Some Czechs you may know
Basic facts capital Prague area 79.000 square km 10,5 mil. inhabitants 1918 – Czechoslovakia 1948 – Communist revolution 1968 – Russian invasion 1989 – Velvet revolution (democracy) 1993 – Czech republic (and Slovakia) 2001 – European Union member
Prague – the capital city Area: 496 square km Inhabitants: 1 200 000