13 Colonies Study Guide Parts 1-3, Visual information answers, plus vocabulary, and overview questions
The Colonial Period New Peoples What years was the Colonial Period? 1607-1776
From what 8 countries did most settlers who came to America during this time travel? England, Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, France (French Huguenots), Spain, Italy, and Portugal
List 3 reasons from the text of why people left their home country to come to America? to escape the path of war, avoid poverty, and absentee landlordism
What was the population America at the end of the Colonial Period? 2.5 million
New England What part of the United States were the New England colonies? Northeast
List 4 ways the people in New England made a living. grain and sawmills, shipbuilding, trade, cod industry (fishing)
Where did most settlers live in New England? in villages and towns around the harbors.
Why was the Massachusetts Bay Colony able to lay the foundation or the beginning of trade? because they built their own vessels (ships) and sailed them to parts all over the world
What things started making New England shippers a lot of money? Rum and slaves
What was the triangular trade? merchants and shippers would purchase slaves off of the coast of Africa for New England rum, then sell slaves in the West Indies where they would buy molasses to bring home for sale to the local rum producers.
The Middle Colonies List 3 ways the Middle Colonies were different from the New England colonies. society in the Middle Colonies was far more varied, cosmopolitan, and tolerant than the New England
Who helped make Pennsylvania and Delaware successful colonies? William Penn
What was the heart of Pennsylvania? Philadelphia Describe Philadelphia. broad tree-shaped streets, substantial brick and stone houses and busy docks
What religion were most people in Philadelphia? Quakers From what country did the most successful farmers in Pennsylvania migrate? Germany
What are the cottage industries? weaving, shoemaking, cabinet making, and other crafts
Why do you think they are called that (cottage industries)? because these things could be done in their home or cottage
What immigrants settled in Pennsylvania that were very poor, hated the English and didn’t trust any governments? Scots-Irish (Scottish-Irish)
Where did this group settle and how did they survive? the back-country and they survived primarily by hunting and subsistence farming
What state had the largest variety of immigrants? New York
List the countries from where people were immigrants. Netherlands (Dutch), France (French), Denmark (Danes), Norway (Norwegians), Sweden (Swedes/Swedish), England (English), Scotland (Scots/Scottish), Ireland (Irish), Germany (Germans), Poland (Poles /Polish), Bohemia (Bohemians), Portugal (Portugese), and Italy (Italians)
Who had the largest influence on New York even after their country lost the colony of New York to the British? The Dutch
The Southern Colonies List the Southern Colonies. Virginia, Maryland, North and South Carolina, and Georgia
What 2 groups made up the economic and social structure in Maryland and Virginia? great planters and yeoman farmers
Who helped the planters of the tidewater region? slaves through slave labor
Describe the planters of the tidewater region. Held most of political power and best land, built great houses, adopted aristocratic way of life
What is a yeoman farmer? He works smaller tracts of land About what did the yeoman farmers warn the planters? Not to encroach too far upon the rights of free men
Where was the most successful port in the Southern Colonies? Charleston, South Carolina
List 3 things that grew in North and South Carolina that made these colonies very rich. Rice, indigo, forest (trees)
Where did the population grow in the Southern Colonies? North and South Carolina
What are 3 reasons that people moved inland away from the larger coastal cities? (1)Germans/Scots-Irish were unwilling to live in the original tidewater settlements, (2) people could not secure fertile land or (3) exhausted the lands they held
Where did Frontier families build? On the edge of Indian country What did they grow? Maize and wheat
Visual Information Packet Questions/Answers The 13 colonies were a part of what continent? North America
They are a part of what present day country? United States of America Which colony is farthest north? New Hampshire
Which colony is farthest south? Georgia The colonies were bound by the Appalachian Mountains on the west. What ocean bordered the colonies on the east? Atlantic
The oldest colony was Virginia (founded in 1607) The oldest colony was Virginia (founded in 1607). Which colony was just south of Virginia? North Carolina
The colony of Virginia contained what are now the states of Virginia and West Virginia. What colony bordered Virginia to the northeast? Maryland
In which section of the 13 Colonies is Massachusetts located? Northern/New England
Which colony was founded last? Georgia What colony was founded second? New York
13 Colonies Vocab Persecuted - hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of race or political or religious beliefs.
13 Colonies Vocab Oppression – to keep down by the cruel or unjust use of power; rule harshly Refugee – a person who flees from a country to seek shelter or safety elsewhere Commerce – buying/selling of goods especially when done on a large scale between cities, states or countries Prosperity – good fortune, wealth or success Export – carry or send goods to another country
13 Colonies Vocab Continued Commodity – anything bought or sold Substantial – large in amount, size or number Creed – a statement of the basic belief of a religion Indigent – suffering from extreme poverty Subsistence – minimum food or shelter needed to support life
13 Colonies Vocab Continued Predominantly – a position of power, authority or influence over others Revenue – an amount of money regularly coming in Oligarchy – a form of government where all power is held by a few prominent people Interior – situated well inland from the coast or border Tracts – an expanse or area of land, water, etc.
The Colonial Period 1607-1776 Overview Questions and Answers Up until 1680 most of the settlers who came to the new world were from what country? ____England____ List 3 reasons that that many people left continental Europe and came to the New World. Escape the path of war, avoid poverty, and absentee landlordism
What was the population of the New World by 1690? ¼ of a million__ What was the population by 1775? _2.5 million______ Why was it difficult to farm in New England? Thin, stony soil, relatively little level land, and long winters
List 4 other ways that the people of New England made money. Grain mills and sawmills, shipbuilding, trade, and the cod industry
Where did the people of New England live and why did they live there? In villages and towns around the harbors because may New Englanders carried on some kind of trade or business
What was being built in the Massachusetts Bay Colony? vessels (ships) Why was this important? This laid the foundation for a trade that was to grow rapidly
What was the triangular trade? merchants and shippers would purchase slaves off of the coast of Africa for New England rum, then sell slaves in the West Indies where they would buy molasses to bring home for sale to the local rum producers.
Why was it considered “unsavory”? it was considered unsavory because it was morally wrong to purchase/own another person
The people in the Middle Colonies were more _________ than in New England. tolerant Who guided Pennsylvania and was the reason it ran smoothly and grew rapidly? William Penn
What was Philadelphia? it was the heart of Pennsylvania What made it one of the most thriving cities in the colonies? Their talent for successful business enterprise
Who were the best farmers? Germans What cottage industries were important in the Middle Colonies? weaving, shoemaking, cabinetmaking and other crafts
Who moved into the Middle Colonies in the early 18th century? Scots-Irish Describe the Scots-Irish. Tell about them, where they settled and how they survived they settled in the back country of Pennsylvania and survived by hunting and subsistence farming
What colony was a great example of the many different nationalities that moved to the New World? New York List the other nationalities that settled along the Hudson River. Dutch, French, Danes, Norwegians, Swedes, English, Scots, Irish, Germans, Poles, Bohemians, Portuguese, and Italians
What city in New York became busy with all kinds of people and businesses? Manhattan How did the Southern Colonies make their money? lumber, tar, resin (from the long leaf pine tree), rice, indigo, maize, and wheat
Describe the farmers of the Tidewater region. they were supported by slave labor, held most of the political power and the best land, built great houses, adopted an aristocratic (power in the hands of a few) way of life
__________________________ became the leading port and trading center in the South. Charleston, South Carolina What did the settlers there learn to do? to combine agriculture and commerce
Which colony only grew one crop? Virginia What did North and South Carolina grow and export? rice, indigo, and forests/trees
Who moved inland and give the reasons why? Germans and Scots-Irish moved inland because they were unwilling to live in the original tidewater settlements, they could not secure fertile land along the coast, or they had exhausted the land they held
Describe the frontier family Describe the frontier family. Telling where they lived and about their lives. they built cabins, cleared tracts in the wilderness, cultivated maize and wheat, the men wore leather known as buckskin, the women wore clothes made of cloth they spun at home, they ate venison (deer), wild turkey, and fish, they had great barbeques, dances, housewarmings for newly married couples, shooting matches, and contests for making quilt blankets