ABC Biography By Raqeeb Greene George Washington ABC Biography By Raqeeb Greene
A is for allegiance. George Washington’s military allegiances were first to Great Britain and then the United States. B is for businessman. George was a businessman.
C is for children. He adopted two children from his wife’s first marriage. D is for died. George died on December 14, 1799 in Mount Vernon, NJ.
E is for elected. George Washington was elected the first president of the United States of America. F is for February. George Washington’s birthdate was February 22, 1732.
G is for General. George Washington was a general in the Patriot Army G is for General. George Washington was a general in the Patriot Army. H is for honorary. Washington was given a honorary rank of brigadier general in 1755.
I is for inauguration. George Washington was inaugurated in New York City, which was the nation’s capital then. J is for jobs. George Washington’s jobs before becoming president were planter, surveyor and a General of the Patriot Army.
K is for known. George Washington is known as the Father of Our Country. L is for lead. George help lead the founding fathers to help create the United States of America.
M is for Martha. George’s first wife was Martha Dandridge Custis M is for Martha. George’s first wife was Martha Dandridge Custis. N is for national hero. George Washington became a national hero after fighting in the French and Indian War.
O is for older. George had older brother and sisters, including Samuel, John, Charles and Betty. P is for president. George Washington was the first president of the United States.
Q is for qualified. George Washington was highly qualified to become our first president. R is for religion. George’s religion was Episcopalian.
S is for slaves. By the end of his life George Washington had over 300 slaves living at his home and farm. T is for tuberculosis. President Washington passed away from tuberculosis.
U is for university. George Washington wanted to build a national university but died before starting it. In 1821 George Washington University was opened in Washington D.C. in his memory. V is for Valley Forge. In the winter of 1777 George Washington brought his army to Valley Forge.
W is for wealthy. George Washington was thought to be a very wealthy man. X is for eXhibits. George Washington’s home and farm in Mount Vernon features exhibits of items owned by him.
Y is for Yorktown. George Washington commanded the Americans in the Battle of Yorktown, where the British surrendered, and ended the war. Z is for Zeus. There is a statue of George Washington in the National Museum of American History. The sculptor modeled it after the Greek God Zeus.