Spies, Black Ties, & AI The U.S. Intelligence Community’s “Intelligent” Approach to Business Process Improvement The Second International Conference on Appreciative Inquiry Application Roundtable September 20, 2004
Presented By Virginia “Ginger” Wright Jen Hetzel Silbert Program Manager, U.S. National Intelligence Community Jen Hetzel Silbert Partner, AIC LLC (703) 920-4994 jen.silbert@comcast.net Loretta Randolph Partner, AIC LLC Senior Associate, OD Systems Inc. (703) 683-8600 lrandolph@odsystems.com
Agenda Introduce Case Study Sample Inquiry Integrated Project Methodology Project Outcomes & RoI Prototype Demo Reflections & Learnings
Client Situation & Goals Exceptional Performance Awards (EPA) Process Manually-intensive process Time-consuming Lacking consistency, standardization Lack of knowledge management Complex organizational and system architectural interdependencies Exceptional Performance Awards (EPA) Process Manually-intensive process Highly paper-dependent Single person-dependent (not group) Time-consuming (and costly) Lacking consistency, standardization Varied process (and policies) per Directorate/Component Lack of consistency in award amounts, recognition, etc. Lack of knowledge management Knowledge of protocol limited to precious few Employee recognition deeply rooted in cultural values Delayed, flawed process unacceptable Need for design of an improved process and prototype
Project Scope & Resources Establish Project Planning Team Whole system participation Project championship Agreement on goals and methodology Clarify commitments, expectations Consecutive weekly meetings (qty 12-15) 1.5-2.0 hours each Consultant-client partnership
Sample Inquiry
Integrated Project Methodology Business Process Management (BPM) Creating and automating resilient, adaptable, work processes enabled by technology Process focus vs. application/function Common language: graphical image/model Rapid prototype w/ malleable application “code” Invites non-technical stakeholders to engage deeply in design process
Integrated Project Methodology cont. Appreciative Inquiry (AI) Principle-driven group facilitation Highly participatory, inclusive, whole system Strengths-based, focusing on Past/present successes What’s most desired, valued Compelling images of the future Breaks down assumptions Engages participant energy, enthusiasm, commitment Real-time design, real-time change Appreciative Inquiry (AI) Principle-driven group facilitation Highly participatory, inclusive, whole system Strengths-based, focusing on Past/present successes What’s most desired, valued Compelling images of the future Breaks down assumptions Cultural norms of command & control Engages participant energy, enthusiasm, commitment Real-time design, real-time change Context (AI) vs. content (IT and Agency culture, which values privacy, secrecy, as well as being THE expert, all-knowing) AI goes against the cultural grain, and yet it worked…
Integrated Project Methodology cont. Define Discovery Appreciating the best of what is Articulating the Intent Identify project champion Explore desired outcomes Identify stakeholder groups Develop interview protocol Communicate project launch Discover best practices Align to organizational and individual values Collective build of positive core Identify conditions for process success Delivery Dream & Design Sustaining the dream Envisioning the future Process model and case study/pilot created Investment Business Case created Follow-on briefings, communications across agency Create process map that embodies bold visions of the future Identify key activities and business rules for success Identify necessary resources, structures, and champions to support success
Project Outcomes & RoI Participant enthusiasm and follow-through Key to sustainability, consistent inquiry Creation of automated application prototype Forms for award initiation, review, and approval Process simulation for testing, baselining Timed notifications, alerts Real-time user acceptance at all levels
Project Outcomes & RoI cont. Metrics for process improvement Reduce ave. processing timeframe from 40 to <10 business days Reduce human work hours to 3 hours/award, or $150/award To 0.3-33 days From 34-126 days
Project Outcomes & RoI cont. Consistent, credible process Workflow transparency Resource efficiency Cost savings Reduced “hold time” Reduced redundancy of data entry Reduced re-work
Prototype Demo
Reflections & Learnings Strong, collaborative partnerships Project Champion ~ Project Team OD Business Consultants ~ IT Architects/Developers Diversity of voices Whole system in the room (the whole time) Strong, collaborative partnerships Project Champion ~ Project Team Commitment to human and $ resources OD Business Consultants ~ IT Architects/Developers Diversity of voices Whole system in the room (the whole time)
Reflections & Learnings cont. Generative nature 100% Transparency Back to Basics - Process Consultation Generative nature Starts small, inevitably expands Real-time design and approval Trust in the process 100% Transparency No “behind the curtain” process design Back to Basics Process Consultation-101
Reflections & Learnings cont. Translation & transformation From interview dialogue to business/IT requirements “IT finally recognizes that the process does not belong to them just because the technology does.” “Soft” vs. “Hard” -- it’s all hard at the end of the day, but the “hard” doesn’t own the “how”
Reflections & Learnings cont. What makes us different?
Roundtable Discussion Q&A Spies, Black Ties, & AI Roundtable Discussion Q&A