Torah Moses received Torah from Sinai and handed it over to Joshua, Joshua to the Elders, the Elders to the Prophets, and the Prophets handed it over to the members of the Great Assembly. They said three things: Be scrupulous in judgment; Raise up many disciples; Make a fence for the Torah. Simeon the righteous was one of the survivors of the Great Assembly. He used to say: on three things the world stands: Torah, worship and charitable deeds. Sayings of the Fathers
Meanings of Torah 1. Five Books of Moses “The Torah” – entire Hebrew Scripture and always bears the definitive article 2. Revelation or the doctrines of the Jewish faith. Or what “the Torah teaches” 3. Doing Torah or learning or studying Torah 4. Any body of rules. “The Torah of proper Conduct” 5. Written and Oral Torah
Meanings cont. 6. As a source of Salvation: to be saved through Torah. Keeping Torah, saves Israel. 7. As a classification to distinguish Torah from other teachings.
Torah and Tradition Tradition is the living faith of the dead, traditionalism is the dead faith of the living. Jaroslav Pelikan
Tradition as a process of conservation. Compost soil on which new traditions grow Orthodox tradition The Challenge to avoid traditionalism
Tradition as a force of change Emphasis on progressive development Reform tradition Conservative tradition is found somewhere between the two. Challenge to avoid progressivism where new is assumed better than old
Tradition as a source of collective identity Allows one to safely navigate between past, present and future.
Primary Channels of Tradition Torah Talmud Midrash Rabbi: Sage Liturgy Theology / Philosophy
The Tanakh An acronym derived from the Hebrew initials of each of its three parts: torah, Nevi’im/The Prophets and Ketuvim/ The Writings Written in Hebrew except for a few passages in Aramaic (everyday language of the people during the Babylonian Exile)
Divisions Torah – first five books Prophets: Former Joshua, Judges 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings and the Latter Prophets, Isa. Ezek, Jeremiah and others Writings: Job, Proverbs, Ruth, SoS, Eccl, Daniel, Ezra, 1 & 2 Chronicles
Mosheh Rabbenu Torah shebikhtab Torah sh be’al peh Torah as Rabbi to unpack G-d’s word for future generations
The First Five books Genesis: Bereishit/ Sefer HaYetzirah Exodus: Shemot/ Sefer Ha-Ge’ulah Lev. Vayikra /Torah Kohanim Numbers: Bamidbar/ Khumash Ha-Pekudim Deut. Devarim/ Mishneh torah