Southwest Jeopardy 10 20 30 40 50 Grand Canyon Dry Southwest Black Gold Landforms HodgePodge 10 20 30 40 50
What region is the Grand Canyon located in? Category 1 - 10
What is the name of the river that eroded the Grand Canyon? Category 1 - 20
What are some things you can do if you visit the Grand Canyon?
Grand Canyon get carved into such fantastic shapes? How did the walls of the Grand Canyon get carved into such fantastic shapes?
How long and how wide is the Grand Canyon?
A desert gets less than ______ inches of precipitation each year.
How are plants and animals able to live in desert conditions?
Southwest get their water? Where do people in the Southwest get their water?
_______ _____________, which depends on rain to Some farmers use _______ _____________, which depends on rain to provide enough water for crops.
What is the name given to the droughts and dust storms in the Great Plains area that occurred in the 1930’s?
What is oil called before it is refined to make it useful?
Road signs, traffic lights, and paint are examples of things that are made from this.
Petrochemicals such as plastic are made from ______________.
Why must crude oil be refined?
What formed in the Southwest after oil was discovered?
Many different landforms in the Southwest were formed by ____________________.
What action caused the Grand Canyon to form?
Mesas, buttes, and ___________ are some of the Southwest’s Interesting landforms.
Wind and water erode parts of the land to create canyons, mesas, and _______________.
These are like plateaus, only smaller. They look like hills with flat tops.
who predicts the location What do we call a person who predicts the location of oil?
Crude oil from wells often end up in a _____________ in Houston.
Some Southwestern farmers dig wells to find water in _______________.
Which state of the Southwest produces more than half of our country’s copper?
What is the name of the bean used to make cocoa, grown in Nigeria?