Referencing and in-text citation strategies to use in research assignments for the IB Diploma Programme A presentation to Grade 11 tutor groups 2015 Dr. Anthony Tilke, Head of Library Services
Referencing and citation skills – what are they? Reference Citation An entry in a bibliography or list of works cited which appears at the conclusion of a piece of work. You will have done this before. Citing provides an indication in your text of information used from other sources. It needs to be made exactly where you used a source of information. This is a brief marker or connector to full information in the bibliography. You may not have done this previously.
Why and what … IB DP requirements Referencing styles Academic honesty EE Guide requirements Need to cite sources used Use a major referencing style consistently Evidence of citation and referencing in your essay is part of Assessment Criteria I: Formal Presentation MLA (in-text or parenthetical citation technique) APA (in-text/parenthetical) Harvard (in-text/parenthetical) Chicago (footnote or endnote) There are other styles, but these are regarded as the major styles of referencing N.B. Referencing styles change – they have different editions.
Supporting AH principles and helping to avoid plagiarism Students should use “a standard style of referencing in a consistent manner … The IB does not prescribe which style(s) of referencing or in-text citation should be used by candidates; this is left to the discretion of appropriate faculty/staff members in the candidates’ school… The minimum information given includes: name of author, date of publication, title of source, and page numbers as applicable.” (International Baccalaureate Organization, 2013, p.4) “Candidates must record the addresses of all websites from which they obtain information … including the date when each website was accessed.” (International Baccalaureate Organization, 2011, p.3)
You need to cite and reference when: You directly quote from a source of information 2. You paraphrase text in a source of information 3. You refer, in your text, to a specific fact or opinion which you learned about from a source of information If you don’t, it is plagiarism.
Help Use online citation generator, e.g. Easybib (Code/voucher) MacWord – document elements tab (Otherwise, do it manually) Libguides – available via the College Portal (Library page) or
Wait … If I use an online citation generator, I don’t need to know about how to cite – right? Hmmm … Students need to check their own work, including referencing Downloading from an online citation generator can produce errors Need to match requirements of a style to the requirements of the IB – requirements of IB take priority/precedence
MLA style
MLA The example text and references in this and subsequent slides have been made up by the librarian for the sake of illustration. They are not real facts, nor do the references to sources of information exist.
Adding citations to existing text – MLA style
APA style
Harvard style
Chicago style This uses a footnoting or endnoting technique, not in-text citation technique. Footnoting style is well established at Dover, with many variations, though not everyone realizes the style should be according to Chicago Style. If you’re required to provide a bibliography as well as footnotes, be aware that is a little more work than using the in-text citation styles. See my Libguide on Chicago style for more information.
New LibGuide for the Extended Essay
EasyBib You can use EasyBib, an online citation generator, to help you with referencing. The free version (available through Google) only allows you reference according to MLA style. The College has taken out a subscription to the paid version of EasyBib, which gives more functionality, including referencing in APA, Harvard and Chicago styles. You just need a code to activate the paid version, which is available at this link:
Word count The Extended Essay, TOK essay and many subject IAs have word limitations, e.g. 4000 words for the EE. In-text citations do NOT contribute to the overall (maximum) word count. To qualify for non-inclusion in the word count, an in-text citation needs to be within ( )
References, acknowledgements and further information International Baccalaureate Organization. (2011). Academic Honesty. Cardiff, IBO. International Baccalaureate Organization. (2013). Extended Essay guide, first exams 2013. Cardiff, IBO. Pears, R. & Shields, G. (2013). Cite them right: the essential referencing guide. Basingstoke, UK, Palgrave Macmillan. Acknowledgements The presenter used EasyBib online service and Cite them right (see above) for examples of different referencing systems. Information UWCSEA Libguide: what students find new or difficult in referencing and citing with MLA7. Curated websites at Ongoing Support Session: Wednesdays 1320-1350 hrs.
Good luck. Enjoy your life. Thank You for your time. Good luck. Enjoy your life.