International Executive Roundtable Task Force Meeting 28 October 2015
Agenda Introductions Purpose of group Review of Prior Work Decisions Next Steps
Introductions Name Position Company Industry/Dealings International Footprint Version Current Plans/Projects Frank Klabbers Martin Drude Tim Arthur Brian Millsap Bruce Valk Pete Hagan
Purpose To engage Executives from Enterprise companies using Microsoft Dynamics AX in an International setting for value-added networking and knowledge sharing and to be the single most important communication channel for Microsoft Dynamics to seek guidance for the International Enterprise space.
AXUG Communities Meet locally Share globally To engage every individual and company using Microsoft Dynamics AX in value-added networking and knowledge sharing and to be the single most important communication channel for Microsoft to seek guidance on future development of Dynamics AX. VISION Meet locally Share globally Connect with other Dynamics AX Executives Share knowledge & experiences Boost training and professional development Locally led. Fueled by AXUG. For meeting dates and to register visit:
Community Locations Existing Communities
International Executive Roundtable Prior Work
Discussion regarding the purpose and nature of the group: Constructive Advocacy Peer to Peer knowledge sharing : Large Enterprises; International Implementation Unique connection with MSFT for the unique situations that the companies in this group encounter Be careful to not put individual needs above group needs. But, the group can help draw attention to individual problems to be solved. Unique situations occur for International Enterprises that Microsoft can consider if they know about it. Don't join if you only want to push your individual agendas. The group can put some ground rules in place to ensure the collective voice is heard and not individual agendas. Be careful that this doesn't become about issues. Needs to be more "picture painting" of what the Enterprise model should look like. How MSFT relates to the International Enterprise space.
Discussion regarding the group’s exclusive membership criteria: Tim identifies that the CIO Summit is a tangible group in place, but has not been applicable to the Dynamics Enterprises. Experience shows that the more precise the conversation, the better the conversation goes with Microsoft MBUF is founded under similar objectives and focused in Germany. Martin thinks several CIOs/Execs will be interested in joining on this Global group. Consensus is to keep it AX only, particularly in the beginning.
Discussion regarding getting started: Web meetings are OK to get most done. Could start with forming a platform of 5-10 topics and begin conversations among the group and then to MSFT Martin believes that this group can channel the international needs of the MBUF group. Frank agrees that local groups can input topics of discussion Adding some critical mass (maybe target 12??) with some balanced representation from around NA and Europe Suggestion to add a MSFT Liaison ("godfather") as a fixed ex-officio member of the group to make the cooperation more efficient. Must be the right person from MSFT MBUF meeting in November in Germany. Martin will represent this group's objectives and bring back topics at hand in Germany - which may give us more concrete topics to consider in the AXUG International Executive Roundtable
International Executive Roundtable Decisions
Exclusive Criteria Size of Company: Greater than €250Million; $250Million Personnel: At least 250 Full-time Employees OR At least 50 Users Role: Member must be C-Level, Vice President, or Executive equivalent International Presence: Must have operations in at least two countries Multi-language: Must have two or more languages spoken among personnel Multi-currency: Must have at least two currencies in operation Prohibited: Partner/Service Provider - Company MUST NOT provide professional services, consulting, reselling, custom development, or any other category of service provider. EXCEPTION: If the service provider organization meets all other criteria, then the Executive that oversees internal operations, and not the sales or consulting arms, may attend the meetings.
What’s Our Name? International Executive Roundtable? International Executive Forum? Are we CIOs only? If then, International CIO Forum? Other?
Microsoft Liaison Who? Dan Brown Pepijn Richter Sri Srinivasin Other?
Topics Brainstorm on Topic Ideas
Nominations Nominate other member candidates Elect leader of this group
International Executive Roundtable Next Steps
Next Steps Personal Invitation to candidates Next Meeting Date Meeting format (virtual) – which topics? Consistent Time of Day: 17:00 CET; 11am Eastern; 8am Pacific Important Dates: Convergence EMEA – Barcelona (30 Nov – 2 Dec) AXUG Summit EMEA – Stuttgart (9-10 May)