Experimenting with TLearn CS/PY 231 Lab Presentation # 6 February 28, 2005 Mount Union College
Training Options TLearn user can select the type of training that should take place Choices affect the network connection weights and training time
Training Options Dialog Box
Random Seeding of Weights vs. Selective Seeding Random Seeding: weights are randomly selected at the start of network training similar to an untrained brain (tabula rasa) Problem: during testing/debugging, random starting weights are unrepeatable Solution: select an arbitrary starting seed value for every connection
Sequential vs. Random Training Sequential: Patterns are chosen from training set in order from the .DATA and .TEACH files method we used with Rosenblatt’s Algorithm Random: Patterns are chosen from training set at random, with replacement may give better performance in some situations (what are they?)
Learning Rate (η) a value (usually between 0.05 and 0.5) that determines how much of the error between obtained output and desired output will be used to adjust weights during backpropagation related to CURRENT training test
Evolution of Weights by Training (m = # of training events) w0 w1 w2 . . . wm Δw1 Δwm-1 Δw0 wk+1 = wk + Δwk , where Δwk = η · δp · oj
Weight Adjustments: Learning Note that only the current Δw affects the weights in a training event Sometimes it is useful to include the Δw from previous patterns, to avoid “forgetting” them during training otherwise, weights that solved a previous pattern may be changed too much To do this, add a new parameter to the Δw formula
Momentum (μ) μ represents the proportion of the weight change from the previous training pattern that affects the current weight change We will now have a new w formula: wk = · p · oj + μ · wk-1 if μ is zero, we have training as before this is the default state for TLearn
Selected Nodes in the SPECIAL section of the .CF file: meaning: the output of the selected nodes may be displayed when the “Probe Selected Nodes” option of the “Network” menu is activated selected = 2-3: node 1’s activations won’t be displayed
Sweeps and Epochs A training sweep is the authors’ term for learning using one pattern in the training set A training epoch means one pass over all patterns in the training set So if there are 7 lines of training data in the .DATA and .TEACH files, the epoch would involve 7 sweeps
Pattern vs. Batch Update Pattern Update: adjust weights after each sweep Batch Update: collect errors for a group of sweeps in a batch, and use the average error for the group to adjust weights If we choose batch size = epoch size, weights will be adjusted once per epoch effects on training?
Experimenting with TLearn CS/PY 231 Lab Presentation # 6 February 28, 2005 Mount Union College