God’s Mission in Jonah Part 2 of 3: ‘Jonah in the Fish’


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Presentation transcript:

God’s Mission in Jonah Part 2 of 3: ‘Jonah in the Fish’

Introduction: V In Part 1 we saw how God used Jonah & the stormy weather to transform the sailors to become believers. V Recap of the main points from last week: 1. The Background to Jonah 2. In the Belly of the Ship 3. The Storm & the Ship 4. Jonah Witnessing in the Ship 5. Conclusion - Transformation

S F C a) The Ship (Jonah 1:1-17) b) The Fish (Jonah 2:1-10) c) The City (Jonah 3:1-4:11) V Here we will look at the 2nd part of this series on the book of Jonah V We find him now thrown out of the ship and into the sea and then in the fish. S F C

Part 2 of 3: ‘Jonah in the Fish’

1. Jonah in the Sea and the Fish: 17 And the Lord appointed a great fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was in the stomach of the fish three days and three nights. V He was thrown into the sea and was practically drowning (Jonah 2:5-6). V As he was drowning God’s appointed great fish comes and saves Jonah.

V Jonah finds himself in the belly of the fish for 3 days and 3 nights. V Interestingly this was a prophetic sign Jesus refers to when speaking to the Pharisees & the Scribes highlighting His impending death and resurrection

Matthew 12:39-40 39 But He answered and said to them, “An evil and adulterous generation craves for a sign; and yet no sign will be given to it but the sign of Jonah the prophet; 40 for just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the sea monster, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

2. Jonah’s Prayer in the Fish: 1 Then Jonah prayed to the Lord his God from the stomach of the fish, 

V The details about Jonah’s prayer in the fish: i) Jonah’s Answered Prayer in the Sea (v. 2) ii) Jonah Drowning in the Sea (vv. 3-6a) iii) Jonah Saved from the Sea (vv. 6b-7) iv) Jonah’s Vow and Commitment (vv. 8-9)

V Jonah had probably prayed in his heart while he was drowning in the sea. V God in His mercy had commanded the great fish to swallow or rather to save Jonah.

3. God Desires to Save:   Jonah 2:9-10 9 But I will sacrifice to You with the voice of thanksgiving. That which I have vowed I will pay. Salvation is from the Lord.” 10 Then the Lord commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah up onto the dry land.

V  As Jonah ends his prayer, God commands the fish to vomit him onto dry land. V  The last part of the prayer of Jonah is the key verse in the book of Jonah (v. 9). V  He finally realizes that ‘salvation is from the Lord’ and he chooses to obey.

V This is similar to Simon Peter’s situation as God challenged him through the vision and invitation to preach the good news to the Gentiles (Acts 10). Acts 10:28 28 And he said to them, “You yourselves know how unlawful it is for a man who is a Jew to associate with a foreigner or to visit him; and yet God has shown me that I should not call any man unholy or unclean.

1. Jonah in the Sea and the Fish: 2. Jonah’s Prayer in the Fish: Conclusion: 1. Jonah in the Sea and the Fish: 2. Jonah’s Prayer in the Fish: 3. God Desires to Save: V We are also called to realize that salvation belongs to the Lord and that He desires to save so that no one should perish (John 3:16; 1 Timothy 2:4; 2 Peter 3:9).

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God’s Mission in Jonah Part 2 of 3: ‘Jonah in the Fish’