Framework For Teaching (FFT)
Learning how to learn is life’s most important skill. “Quote of the Day” Learning how to learn is life’s most important skill. Anonymous
Outcomes The purpose of FFT How Schools have implemented FFT Teachers will gain an understanding of: The purpose of FFT How Schools have implemented FFT Resources available to assist teachers with FFT How the FFT will be better able to support teachers in enhancing teaching and learning.
Outcomes The language of the 8 component areas of the FFT rubric The language of the rubric as it applies to teachers and students levels of performance
Warm Up (10 minutes) Group staff in two’s and have one face the screen and one’s back to the screen. They will give hints like the game show “Pyramid” to guess the words in the fastest time.
You Talk a Mile a Minute
You Talk a Mile a Minute Self Assessment Research Student Centered Cognitive Constructivist Reflective Domains Observation 1 19 20 18 15 21 16 17 23 26 27 25 24 14 22 12 04 05 03 02 00 01 06 07 11 28 10 09 08 13 29 50 51 49 48 46 47 52 53 58 59 57 56 54 55 45 44 35 36 34 33 31 32 37 38 42 43 41 40 39 30
You Talk a Mile a Minute Self Assessment Research Student Centered Cognitive Constructivist Reflective Domains Observation 19 18 20 16 15 21 17 23 26 27 25 24 14 22 12 04 05 03 02 00 01 06 07 11 28 10 09 08 13 29 49 50 48 47 45 46 51 52 57 58 56 55 53 54 44 43 34 35 33 32 30 31 36 37 41 42 40 39 38 59
Round 2
You Talk a Mile a Minute Culture Question Planning and preparation Rigor Activity Discussion Turn and talk Professional responsibility 1 19 20 18 15 21 16 17 23 26 27 25 24 14 22 12 04 05 03 02 00 01 06 07 11 28 10 09 08 13 29 50 51 49 48 46 47 52 53 58 59 57 56 54 55 45 44 35 36 34 33 31 32 37 38 42 43 41 40 39 30
You Talk a Mile a Minute Culture Question Planning and preparation Rigor Activity Discussion Turn and talk Professional responsibility 19 18 20 16 15 21 17 23 26 27 25 24 14 22 12 04 05 03 02 00 01 06 07 11 28 10 09 08 13 29 49 50 48 47 45 46 51 52 57 58 56 55 53 54 44 43 34 35 33 32 30 31 36 37 41 42 40 39 38 59
I’m a little familiar with the FfT Rate yourself I’m brand new at the FfT I’m a little familiar with the FfT I’ve trained or participated in the Pilot or FIRST The Framework for Teaching Charlotte Danielson
Chart the information with your school team and share out
The Framework for Teaching The Framework for Teaching is a researched based set of components of instruction, grounded in a constructivist view of learning and teaching.
In a nutshell….. Builds teacher capacity Enhance Professional Growth Foundation for mentoring, coaching and PD Builds Instructional Leadership Capacity Helps promote professional conversations Helps promote teacher reflection Two priorities of FFt – constructivist learning Cognitive engagement
What FFT is Not… I Gotcha Not an evaluation tool Not sole data point to teacher evaluation Not a personal assessment It DOES NOT ASSESS THE PERSON, IT ASSESS THE PRACTICE!
This shows the various teaching styles and the average retention rate for the learner.
Jigsaw Activity (20 minutes)
The Framework for Teaching Jigsaw Table Domain 4 Professional Responsibilities Domain 1 Planning and Preparation Domain 2 The Classroom Environment Domain 3 Instruction Ask participants “Which components do you think you could use to gage the RT’s performance? Each person should have at least six stickies. If you are doing this by yourself then they should come up with 12 likes and dislikes. 19
Jigsaw You have 10 minutes to place the elements under the appropriate elements, and the components under the appropriate Domains. All staff members will be asked to group in three’s or four’s to complete this activity. The jigsaw pieces will be cut-outs of the 26 elements. Direct them to group each element under the component that they think matches the appropriate domain.
Share out
The Framework for Teaching Domain 4 Professional Responsibilities Reflecting on Teaching Maintaining Accurate Records Communicating with Families Participating in a Professional Community Growing and Developing Professionally Showing Professionalism Domain 1 Planning and Preparation Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy Demonstrating Knowledge of Students Setting Instructional Outcomes Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources Designing Coherent Instruction Designing Student Assessments Domain 2 The Classroom Environment Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Establishing a Culture for Learning Managing Classroom Procedures Managing Student Behavior Organizing Physical Space Domain 3 Instruction Communicating With Students Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques Engaging Students in Learning Using Assessment in Instruction Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness Ask participants “Which components do you think you could use to gage the RT’s performance? 22
The 8 Essential Components Domain 1: Planning and Preparation 1c: Establishing Instructional Outcomes 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction Domain 2: Classroom Environment 2b: Establishing a Culture for Learning 2d: Managing Student Behavior Domain 4: Professional Responsibility 4a: Reflecting on Teaching 4c: Communicating with Families Domain 3: Instruction 3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques 3c: Engaging Student in Learning Off Stage On Stage Share on stage off stage
JIGSAW ANSWERS Domain 1 Domain 2 Domain 4 Domain 3 Professional Responsibilities 4a: Reflecting on Teaching 4c: Communicating with Families Domain 1 Planning and Preparation 1c: Establishing Instructional Outcomes 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction Domain 2 The Classroom Environment 2b: Establishing a Culture for Learning 2d: Managing Student Behavior Domain 3 Instruction 3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques 3c: Engaging Student in Learning Ask participants “Which components do you think you could use to gage the RT’s performance? Each person should have at least six stickies. If you are doing this by yourself then they should come up with 12 likes and dislikes. 24
The Observation Process Group staff in two’s and have one face the screen and one’s back to the screen. They will give hints like the game show “Pyramid” to guess the words in the fastest time.
Informal Observations Informal observations will be conducted using the PGCPS Instructional “Look-Fors” at anytime.
Formal Observations Step 1: Self-Assessment (All teachers) Step 2: Goal Setting Conference (All teachers) Step 3: Goal Review Conference (Optional for Tenured teachers/off-cycle) Step 4: First Formal Observation (Tenured & Non-tenured teachers/on-cycle) Step 5: Second Formal Observation (Tenured & Non-tenured teachers/on-cycle)
Formal Observations Step 6: Interim (Mid-year) Evaluation (Non-tenured/Performance Issues) Step 7: Third Formal Observation (Non-tenured/Performance Issues) Step 8: Fourth Formal Observation (Non-tenured/Performance Issues) Step 9: Second Self-Assessment (Tenured & Non-tenured teachers/on-cycle) Step 10: Final Evaluation (Tenured & Non-tenured teachers/on-cycle)
Framework for Teaching Organization Domains (1, 2, 3, and 4) Components (8 Essentials) Page 3 and 4 in FFT book) Elements (26) 29
The 8 Essential Components Domain 1: Planning and Preparation 1c: Establishing Instructional Outcomes 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction Domain 2: Classroom Environment 2b: Establishing a Culture for Learning 2d: Managing Student Behavior Domain 4: Professional Responsibility 4a: Reflecting on Teaching 4c: Communicating with Families Domain 3: Instruction 3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques 3c: Engaging Student in Learning Share on stage off stage
Share out: Questions? Comments? Concerns?
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Framework for Teaching Resources: Office of Talent and Development: Office of Employee Performance:
Thank you !!!!!