MEFISTO Mediterranean Forest Fire Fighting Training Standardisation


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Presentation transcript:

MEFISTO Mediterranean Forest Fire Fighting Training Standardisation Vallombrosa - May 11 - 15, 2015 MEFISTO Mediterranean Forest Fire Fighting Training Standardisation GA No. ECHO/SUB/2016/742556/PREP24 Enrico Marchi University of Florence - Italy Kick-off meeting, Brussels, 18-1-2017

Contents Project info sheet Coordinator and partners Motivation Vallombrosa - May 11 - 15, 2015 Contents Kick-off meeting, Brussels, 18-1-2016 Project info sheet Coordinator and partners Motivation Objectives Expected results Deliverables and deadlines Tentative dates and places for Major Events Sustainability - Continuation

1. Project Info sheet Activity: Preparedness Duration: 24 months Vallombrosa - May 11 - 15, 2015 Kick-off meeting, Brussels, 18-1-2016 1. Project Info sheet Activity: Preparedness Duration: 24 months Starting date: 15-1-2017 Total eligible cost: € 434.309 EC contribution: € 325.732 Financing rate: 75 %

2. Coordinator and partners Vallombrosa - May 11 - 15, 2015 Kick-off meeting, Brussels, 18-1-2016 2. Coordinator and partners Coordinator: CO – UNIFI - Università degli Studi di Firenze - Dipartimento di Gestione delle risorse Agrarie, Alimentari e Forestali – Italy, Wide experience in silvicultural management of forest fuel, forest fire prevention, health and safety in forest firefighting, as well as in forest operator and forest firefighter training. BE1 – ENB - Escola Nacional de Bombeiros – Portugal, A recognized expertise in forest fire prevention, suppression and training activities. BE2 – CESEFOR - Centro de Servicios y Promoción Forestal y de su Industria de Castilla y León– Spain, Strong experience in international cooperation for projects related to forests and forest fire. BE3 – ENTENTE - Entente pour la Forêt Méditerranéenne – France,   BE4 – RT – Regione Toscana - Italy, Partners:

Vallombrosa - May 11 - 15, 2015 Kick-off meeting, Brussels, 18-1-2016 3. Motivation Forest fires are civil protection events that yearly affect several EU countries - Mediterranean area. Increased collaboration among the member States in occasion of severe fire seasons and EU exercises on forest fire fighting were organized (e.g. Sardinia 2008, Prometheus 2014). Needs of a coordination and collaboration improvement on forest fire response capacity at EU level. Common and shared basis for training on forest fire fighting are required in order to increase EU preparedness level. MEFISTO project aims to raise preparedness level through an efficient and standardized training protocol developed by a representative network of Mediterranean stakeholders. Address new opportunities regarding interoperability between Mediterranean training centres - establishing training programmes - sessions on the organization, protocols and procedures applied in the neighbouring countries - improve the effectiveness on cross-border fire fighting

4. Objectives In detail the main objectives of the project are: Kick-off meeting, Brussels, 18-1-2016 4. Objectives In detail the main objectives of the project are: to share knowledge on strategies, tactics and methods applied in each of the Mediterranean Countries involved in the project - future involvement of other EU countries; to include in the training programs specific sessions on the organization, protocols and procedures applied in the neighbouring countries - improve the effectiveness on crossborder fire fighting to develop a standardised and common terminology to improve the communication efficacy in joint fire fighting operation; to define standardised operational training skills of Forest Fire Operators Establishment of an organization of representatives and agencies of different countries (manage and monitor the skills and competence certification methods and processes; define and maintain agreed minimum standards of skills and abilities in forest fire fighting training, applied in all European countries, etc.)

5. Expected results The main expected results will be: Kick-off meeting, Brussels, 18-1-2016 5. Expected results The main expected results will be: the redaction of guidelines and reports on the organization, strategies and methods applied in each Country. These documents will contain the main elements to be included in the training sessions addressed to international cooperation; the definition of standards in fire-fighting training system which can be applied in all partners Countries; the development of standards for European supranational qualifications of European Forest Fire Operator (FoFO); the institution of an European organization (Network) with the aims of develop and guarantee the international standard assessment of FoFO skills; the implementation of an international pilot training course, including test of the skills assessment procedures.

6. Deliverables and deadlines/1 Kick-off meeting, Brussels, 18-1-2016 6. Deliverables and deadlines/1   Deliverables List Deadline (M) A Coordination and Project Management (M0 - M24) D_A.1 Minutes of kick-off meeting 1 D_A.2 Partnership Agreement D_A.3 Minutes of Opening meeting 2 R1-R3 Progress Report 8-16-24 FR1-FR3 Financial report FPR Final project report 24 B Mediterranean Forest Fire Fighting: State of the Art (M1 - M10) D_B.1 Meeting report: national procedures and organisation in forest fire fighting 12 D_B.2 Guidelines redaction: Similiraties and differences between EU Mediterranean Countries in Forest Fire Fighting: a challenge for improvement" 10 C Towards European procedures for Forest Fire Fighting: developing common terminology and good practices sharing and agreement (M6 - M15) D_C.1 Forest Fires multilingual glossary 15 D_C.2 Report of the technical meeting 13 D_C.3 European procedure for forest fire fighting

6. Deliverables and deadlines/2 Kick-off meeting, Brussels, 18-1-2016 6. Deliverables and deadlines/2 D Network creation and procedures implementation for transanational cooperation (M6 - M24)   D_D.1 Establishment of the "European Forest fire fighting skills council 10 D_D.2 Definition of rights and duties between Countries aimed at efficient cross-border collaborations 12 D_D.3 Report on the pilot exercise on cross-border forest fires (practical meeting) 22 E Training program standardisation and implementation (M10 - M18) D_E.1 Common and shared list of training programs D_E.2 Standardised scoresheets for the evaluation and the awarding of the European Forest Fire Operators (FoFOs) after training course 15 D_E.3 Report of the pilot training, with the designation of the firsts FoFOs (three for each Partner) 23 F Communication and dissemination (M0 - M24) D_F.1 Website creation, maintenance and continuous update 3 / 24 D_F.2 Publication of project results 24 D_F.3 Preparation and dispatching of Leyman's report to the Civil Protection Authorities of all EU Countries D_F.4 Report on dissemination activities

7. Tentative dates and places for Major Events Kick-off meeting, Brussels, 18-1-2016 7. Tentative dates and places for Major Events Meetings Mt0: Brussels, 18-1-2017 Mt1: Florence (Italy) (M2) Mt2: Sintra (Portugal) (M10) Mt3: Gardanne (France) (M18) Mt4: Monticiano (Italy) (M17)

8. Sustainability - Continuation Kick-off meeting, Brussels, 18-1-2016 8. Sustainability - Continuation MEFISTO project aims to be the starting point for a joined European standardisation in forest fire fighting. New figure of European Forest Fire Operator (FoFO). Network between forest fire fighting training centers (transnational collaborations) New organization EUFOFISC - EUropean FOrest FIre fighting Skills Council EUFOFISC will continue its activity after the end of the project

University of Florence - Italy Vallombrosa - May 11 - 15, 2015 Kick-off meeting, Brussels, 18-1-2016 Thanks for your attention! Enrico Marchi University of Florence - Italy