Strata Management Reporting Training Presented by: Stephanie Sealey, Manager Budget & Management Reporting Maegen Ware, Senior Decision Support Analyst Patrick McCauley, Financial Analyst II
Who we are and what we do Financial Planning & Analysis Team Will be glad to assist with Suzanne Wojtowicz, Director Financial Planning & Analysis 706-721-6822 Phone / Strategic Planning Stephanie Sealey, Manager Budget & Management Reporting 706-721-6823 / Budget questions/issues Management Reporting questions KDI questions Patrick McCauley, Financial Analyst II 706-721-8090 / Budget questions/issues Management Reporting questions Monthly Statistics Maegen Ware, Senior Decision Support Analyst 706-721-6817 / Position Control Web Portal Brian Moore, Decision Support Analyst 706-721-7707 / Action OI Benchmarking Cathie (Minnie) Hitt, Finance Business Analyst 706-721-6824 / Departmental IT Support Ann Marsh, Manager Decision Support 706-721-3090 / Decision Support Cost Accounting
Position Control Position Changes: To request a new position: create a requisition in PeopleFluent using “New” as the position number. Once Finance receives the requisition an actual position number will be generated and attached to the requisition If funding is coming from current position(s) email Maegen Ware to explain the funding FTE changes: If position is vacant, email changes directly to Maegen Ware If position is filled, submit FTE Change EIF. Indicate in the remarks section where the funding is coming from or going to. Title Changes and Salary Changes: Work directly with HR
Position Control Web Portal: Website for managers to view positions and budget in one location Updated daily Web Portal FY17 Link Link also available in Strata on the Monthly Reporting dashboard under the section “Helpful Links” and Budget website under “Related Links” For access or changes to cost centers, email Maegen Ware
Management Reporting Where does the data come from: General ledger (GL) data is received from Accounting and loaded into Strata Payroll data is received from Payroll and loaded into Strata Hours from payroll data are converted to FTEs at the job code level Statistics gathered from: KDI - Key Daily Indicators MP840 – Charge Volume report (summary of KP840) Departmental Emails (this is for stats that are not captured in the KDI or KP840)
Management Reporting Flexing: Based off flexing unit of service (UOS) – Actual vs Budget What in budget flexes as a result: Patient Revenue Variable Expenses - (medical supplies and drugs) Variable Salaries and FTEs - (non-exempt job codes)
ERP Report Writer Accounting’s report that provides the detail to the information in Strata Generated from the GL Email notification is sent when available Export transactions to see detail In Strata on Monthly Reporting dashboard under Helpful Documents there is a ERP Report Viewer training guide For access or questions contact Lauren Bethune – 721-4567 Karen Key – 721-1108 Kelly Odom – 721-9070 Jennifer Coursey – 721-9439
ERP Report Writer Monthly Email
ERP Report Writer
Department Changes Complete a New Department Change Request for the following: Department name changes Creation of new department Form will be routed through appropriate departments to make sure changes are made everywhere that are necessary Close a department
If access is needed request with Links Description Login Link If access is needed request with Strata Department Security Administrator FY17 Web Portal Maegen Ware 721-6817 KDI KP840 PeopleFluent Angela Wilcox 721-0830 Employee Information Form (EIF)