Student data review and rosters application SDRR
What is sdrr and what does it have to do with me? SDRR is the Student Data Review and Roster application used for all state assessment rosters and for data review and clean up of assessment results. SDRR helps you to get your rosters correct. A clean and accurate roster is very important for you and to your school.
Sdrr, WHICH IS ORGANIZED BY TEST, HAS TWO CRITICAL DATA ACCURACY FUNCTIONS: 1. ROSTERS ACCOUNTABILITY RECORD FOR ALL GRADES 3-12 (grade 9 is needed FOR PLAN and grade 12 is needed for College/Career Readiness reporting.) 2. DATA REVIEW (cleanup before reporting)
sdrr 2015 Spring Rosters ACCESS (EL) The ACT (Grade 11) K-PREP (Grades 3-12) Pearson Quality Core- EOC 2015 Data Review ACT Explore (Feb.) ACT Plan (Feb.) The ACT Alternate K-PREP K-PREP End-of-Course (Quality Core K-PREP (3-8, 10, 11) College/Career Ready Data ACT Compass The ACT (Includes National Tests) KYOTE TEDS: ACT WorkKeys, KOSSA, ASVAB, Industry Cert
(Still sort of) new features in sdrr Connection of SDRR to Infinite Campus Home Page: Information, student changes and list of tasks No separate ticket listing (now called Change Request) Moved from icons to text features “Locked” label-submitting accountability and non-participation changes Creation of Sandbox for training Edit Change Request
Data quality The collaborative process between OAA and school/district staff to ensure accurate reporting of test results. Getting the Rosters Right = Accurate Accountability Reporting
The connection between sdrr and ic The authoritative source of student data in Kentucky is Infinite Campus. The data is downloaded from IC to populate SDRR. Accountability change requests made to OAA are cross-checked with IC.
Keys to improved data matching Correct entry of student information in IC is CRITICAL (name, DOB, and SSID) Consistently use the student’s name as it appears in IC on all testing records State-testing program are provided SSIDs.
Data quality get the rosters right = accurate accountability reporting INCLUDE on ROSTER Tested students with scorable documents returned to vendor NOT TESTED STUDENTS: With non-participation exemption (Extraordinary or Medical) Who should have tested, but did not REMOVE from Roster Not tested students that have withdrawn from the school For End of Course: Not tested students that are still completing coursework
Students left on the roster, after data review, without an approved exemption or test score, will be included in reporting as a zero score.
FIELDS TO CHANGE IN…. INFINITE CAMPUS Name Grade SSID DOB Gender Race/Ethnicity Lunch IEP EL/LEP If IC change is not reflected in SDRR with 24 hours, please contact April Devine. SDRR Annotations Accountability Non-participation Accommodations
Iep field (helpful hints) Correcting the IEP field in Infinite Campus 1. Make certain the student has a current Individualized Educational Program (IEP) 2. Make certain that the IEP is locked If IC change is not reflected in SDRR with 24 hours, contact April Devine.
SOME DATA IS PRE-POPULATED FROM INFINITE CAMPUS K-PREP ROsters Verify student enrollment in grades 3-12 Include all students enrolled as of the first day of the testing window Change requests created for: Non-Participation Students – First Year EL/LEP, Medical, Extraordinary Circumstances, Foreign Exchange, Withdrew/Expelled During the Testing Window Accountability Change requests created for Save an electronic version of all rosters SOME DATA IS PRE-POPULATED FROM INFINITE CAMPUS
Accountability rules How to determine whether students are in a school’s accountability report. Tested Every student enrolled on the first day of the 5 day Spring summative test window must be tested for participation purposes. Accountable Accountability determined by full academic year (any 100 instructional days of enrollment). The first day of the 5 day Spring summative test window is included in the 100 day count.
Accountability rule – 100 days
Accountability rules the first day of K-PREP five-day summative window (in the last 14 instructional days of the district calendar) is the point in time where the 100 days of enrollment (full academic year) is determined.
Accountability terms for schools “A1” means a school under administrative control of a principal and eligible to establish a school-based decision-making council. “A1” school is not an alternative program operated by, or as a part of, another school. “Alternative” program means all other education programs not classified as A1.