Gender Masculine Gender Feminine Gender Neuter Gender
The Masculine Gender refers to all male persons and animals. Examples: boy, king, lion The Feminine Gender refers to all female persons and animals. Examples: girl, queen, lioness The Neuter Gender refers to all non-living things. Examples: book, table, rock, air
Masculine gender Feminine gender Boy Girl Father Mother Man Woman Brother Sister Uncle Aunt Nephew Niece Actor Actress Fox Vixen Bull Cow
Look at the images and say which gender it belongs to:
Fill in the blanks in the masculine or feminine gender: Boy and _____ Brother and _____ Aunt and ________ Nièce and ________ Actor and ________ Father and _______
Males and females of animals Lion and Lioness Male and female sea lions
Males and females of Humans Home Assignment. Give synonym: Masculine 2) Give antonym: Feminine 3) Give meaning : a) Nephew b) Gender c) Niece d) Non living things 4) Make a sentence using below word: a) Male b) Animal c) Humans