Biology – Open House Mrs. English Prosper High School August 28, 2017
Welcome Parents! Good Evening Prosper Families, this is my second year in Prosper ISD and my 12th year teaching High School Science. I have taught Anatomy & Physiology Biology, Pre-AP Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science and IPC. This year I am teaching BAnatomy & Physiology and Biology. Exciting things for the year: McMush Lab – Students check on the nutrition inside a Happy Meal! Genetics – Students will look at some of their traits, which they inherited from their parents Bacteria/Virus – Students become more aware of bacteria and virus in their surrounding through lab activities Throughout the year students will progress in lab skills and knowledge to pass this class and be ready for their Sophomore Science class
Curriculum Goals Course topics Fall semester Spring semester Safety procedures and the Nature of science Protein synthesis Ecology Genetics and Meiosis Chemistry of Life Diversity of life/Classifications Cellular structure and function Bacteria and Viruses Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Animal and Plants Cell cycle, mitosis and DNA EOC Preparation Dissection How can parents help? Parents can help by encouraging students to read the online Biology book or the class notes for 20 – 30 minutes before each class
What to expect in Student work!
Class Information Grading system: All quizzes and tests are timed. Calculation for the semester final grade follows PSH policy. Tests and quizzes are administered on a regular basis with semester final exams given at the end of each semester. Formative 40%: Classwork, homework, laboratory assignments, quizzes. Summative 60 %: Tests, projects, presentations.
What to expect in Student work!
Class Information Work not submitted on time will be recorded as a “Z”. Students are allowed to turn in formative assignments up to 3 days late for a maximum grade of a 70. If work is not submitted within 3 school days, the “Z” will be changed to a Zero (0).
Class information Retesting If a student scores between the ranges of (60-69) on a test the student can complete guided corrections for a 70. If a student scores in the ranges of (0-59), the student is required to come to at least 2 tutoring sessions, and ALL formative work from that unit must be completed. Retesting done once per 9 week grading period and the material teste will be cumulative for those 9 weeks.
Class information Make up work Is the responsibility of the student to obtain missed work!!!! Get a copy of handouts, notes, or assigned homework immediately upon return. Complete all makeup work within TWO Class Days after the excused absence. Make up labs must be done within A WEEK after its original assigned date. Assignment/project with a clear due date must be turn in on time or before an absence.
Class Rules Focus on the lesson and respect both your teachers and your peers. Don’t talk when I’m talking. Raise your hand when you want to speak or answer a question. Contribute to class discussion. Write it down! Take notes and keep a notebook/binder organized. Pay attention and don’t sleep. Work cooperatively and quietly. Work must be distributed equally.