Aim: to set the tone for APHG Today (and possibly tomorrow)
Aim: how do you score well on the APHG Exam and in class? Today (and possibly tomorrow)
Human Geography It is all about spatial awareness! To what extent does human – environmental interaction have an impact on me?
The THHS APHG Syllabus Rationale
APHG Theory / Text Book Info. Map Knowledge Size of circle = importance. Text book not as thick. APHG assumes you know this already. Important in APHG! Map Knowledge General Knowledge / Examples / Application to Various Scenarios You must master all 3!
AP World Theory / Text Book Info. Size of circle = importance. Theory much more important. Notice the difference in text books? Map Knowledge General Knowledge / Examples / Application to Various Scenarios
AP US History Theory / Text Book Info. Size of circle = importance. Theory much more important. Notice the difference in text books? Map Knowledge General Knowledge / Examples / Application to Various Scenarios
You must know the (map of the) world?
Questions assume you know the world!
Questions assume you know the world!
Questions assume you know the world!
Some questions ask you to apply theory to obscure examples.
Some questions ask you to apply theory to obscure examples.
The greater your general (APHG) knowledge the better for you.
BTW, sometimes some questions are quite straight forward.
BTW, sometimes some questions are quite straight forward.
First: the APHG exam to be given in May Test Analysis 2016 First: the APHG exam to be given in May
2012 APHG Results 2014 2015 2016 85% passing in 2012. Why 100% in 2013? 1. Map knowledge. 2. Finishing curriculum on time while covering as much as possible in class incl. all variations. 3. Better analysis. 4. Moving exam to later date. 2015 2016
2013 Social Studies AP Scores THHS APHG 100% passing, 85% 4 or 5 and APHG students did better on APUSH and AP World exams despite not having higher overall averages. Why? APHG. National Average: 53.1% THHS APUSH 50% passing National Average: 53.9% THHS AP World 70% passing National Average: 48.6%
2014 Social Studies AP Scores THHS APHG 93% passing, 67% 4 or 5 and APHG students did better on APUSH and AP World exams despite not having higher overall averages. Why? APHG. National Average: 52.1% THHS APUSH 70% passing National Average: 53.5% THHS AP World 85% passing National Average: 54.6%
Questions Vary Don’t panic! Expect to confront hard, “unfair” questions. What’s the problem? APHG gives you a “curve.” Make sure you get the easy questions correct… Because you are going to struggle with the hard, “unfair” questions! The test is fair.
Example of a confusing scenario Princeton Stage 5 Stage 1 or 4 Stage 2 Stage 3
Some questions are even thrown out b/c the responses are all random i Some questions are even thrown out b/c the responses are all random i.e.: no students at all had any clue how to answer the question.
Exam Structure +/- 2 ¼ hour exam Multiple Choice Questions: 60 mins: +/- 75 questions: 50% of APHG Score; pick 1 from 5 Free (Written) Responses: 75 mins: 3 questions: 50% of APHG Score No themes, no essays; just answer the questions. Simpler structure than AP World and APUSH; that’s why I leave them alone until Spring.
It is a complicated formula that varies slightly from year to year. Exam Formula It is a complicated formula that varies slightly from year to year.
Multiple Choice Question Formula
Multiple Choice Question Formula Raw Score x 2013 constant (0.8108) % 3 4 5 40/75 x 0.8108 = 32.432 53% 45.3% 13% 0.7% 45/75 x 0.8108 = 36.486 60% 98% 70% 21% 50/75 x 0.8108 = 40.54 67% >98% >70% >21% 60/75 x 0.8108 = 48.648 80% 100% 99% 77% 70/75 x 0.8108 = 56.756 93%
7 Billion Org Competition Type: 7 billion contest
2013 AP Exam National Score Distributions Passing % 5 4 3 % THHS Above Nat. Average Human Geography 53.1 12 20.3 20.8 +46.9 World History 48.6 5.7 13.5 29.4 US History 53.9 10.6 21.5 21.8 European History 63.9 10.3 18.7 34.9 Macroeconomics 13.7 22.6 16.8 Microeconomics 65.7 16.7 28.4 20.6 US Government and Politics 51.7 11.2 14.3 26.2 Comparative Govt. and Politics 59.5 21.0 19.8 English Language and Comp. 55.1 16.1 28.7 English Lit. and Comp. 58.1 7.6 18.9 31.6 Art History 60.9 11.9 27.5 Studio Art 2D 79.1 13.4 31.3 34.4 Studio Art 3D 67.8 10.9 19.4 37.5 Studio Art Drawing 78.5 15.3 20.4 42.8 Calculus AB 59.2 23.8 18.0 17.4 Calculus BC 80.7 45.3 16.5 Statistics 57.8 12.6 20.2 25.0 Latin 66.9 14.2 21.1 Japanese 60.3 11.3 30.1 Italian 65.6 10.1 21.6 33.9 French 74.7 14.1 25.1 35.5 German 71.6 11.7 Spanish Lit. 77.5 28.8 37.8 Chinese 27.0 20.0 30.5 Spanish Lang. 56.3 13.6 21.2 Music Theory 61.1 16.6 25.6 Physics B 61.3 15.2 19.7 26.4 Physics C E & M 67.3 28.6 Physics C Mech 73.0 25.9 26.0 Chemistry 68.5 18.2 21.3 19 Biology 63.1 5.4 21.4 36.3 Environmental Science 47.9 7.7 23.3 16.9 Computer Science A 67.6 26.9 26.7 14 Psychology 67.5 19.6 2013 AP Exam National Score Distributions
Toughest AP Exams 1. Environmental Science 2. AP World History 3. US Government and Politics 4. Human Geography 5. US History 6. English Language and Composition 7. Spanish Language 8. Statistics 9. English Literature and Composition 10. Calculus AB 11. Comparative Government and Politics
APHG Population Test Corrected mistakes by hand; scores increased by 1 – 5 questions i.e.: 2% - 10% Hackney Curve = 8% Ergo some scores improved by as much as 18% Range 100% to much lower (11 grades x > 90%) Class average w/o curve = 76%
Identify the following
Issues / Topics Back to THHS 1. Seating and Classroom Decorum 2. The THHS APHG Syllabus Rationale Back to THHS
Seating and Classroom Decorum 1. No eating or snacking in classroom w/o a letter from your guidance counselor. 2. No talking out of turn i.e.: raise your hand when you want to participate.