ANALYSIS OF NEW MULTIMEDIA KEYBOARD «FA» Achilova Firuza Kurbanovna Department of Information and Educational Technologies Karshi branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Shahrisabz, Kashkadarya region, Republic of Uzbekistan
Introduction The development of society led to the creation of new discoveries. Of course, the computer is one of the greatest discoveries of the twentieth century. It is part of the rapid changes taking place in the development of their society and has an impact on the area of computer science and information technology. This effect is so strong that in the field of information technology changes over the years, not months, transformed and enriched. These changes are a variety of experts in the field of knowledge, which are increasingly linked to the use of information technology.
Groups of keyboard For PC keyboard has been divided into 5 groups with the buttons and according to their functions: letters and numbers buttons control buttons Function keys the introduction of a key Special characters button.
Options of keyboard Keyboard for communication with a computer, data processing, printing, such as a device based on the functional application command. Shortcut from 101 to 105, as of today there are many of its species. We have proposed a new type of computer keys up to 150 units. Original function keyboard, in turn, change the mode of operation only. Russian and English alphabet, numbers, symbols and functions are divided into different categories. Many computer users to enter letters and symbols to find the right keys. Each user learns this very quickly.
Multimedia Keyboard "FA" with a unique design that provides users with the following features: Cyrillic characters divided into separate sections; Latin alphabet is divided into separate sections; punctuation is divided into separate sections; Special characters are divided into individual sections; function is divided into separate sections; the letters in alphabetical order; translation from one language to another; by letter; the program takes less time;
Multimedia Keyboard "FA" with a unique design that provides users with the following features: The command takes less time; Buttons audio and video monitoring; e-mail address, click the Start button; Internet system, click the Start button; covering the lower part of the shortcut key; radio buttons; Audio (Uzbek, Russian and English languages) system.
Users interface of FA keyboard
Conclusion Proposed new number keys on the keyboard user training are easier to use. This keyboard is divided into sections Cyrillic letters on the letters of the alphabet, punctuation marks, and special characters. The letters in alphabetical order, so that the user knows the location of the successive letters of the alphabet by heart will not have to spend time searching for letters. The division in the Cyrillic and Latin alphabets, another advantage is that the transition from one language to another language, do not need to use the key combination ALT + SHIFT. It is easy to move horizontally, that is, the direction of the alphabets Cyrillic and Latin. Use of this keyboard is easy and convenient and takes less time to use the commands and actions.
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