After-School Programs and its Effects on Academic Achievement Jennie Kwok Ed 702.22 Fall 2008
Table of Contents Introduction Statement of the Problem Review of Related Literature Statement of Hypothesis
Statement of the Problem Due to an increase number of parents entering the work force, there is a great need to place children in after-school programs that enrich their academic and social development. After-school programs can focus on academics or recreational. However, it is not clear which after-school program promotes academic achievement. This study will focus on the following question: Which type of after-school program is beneficial to students’ academic achievement?
Review of Related Literature Participation in after-school programs are associated with higher grades and test scores, esp. in low-income students. (Posner & Lowe, 1994; Pierce, Hamm, & Vandell, 1999; Miller, 2001; Viadero, 2007) Participation in after-school programs gave students greater confidence in their academic abilities and provides an opportunity to develop positive, school-related, adult attachments. (Beck & Halpern, 1992; Posner & Lowe, 1994; Cosden, Morrison, Alabanese, & Macias, 2001; Halpern, 1999; Pierce, Hamm, & Vandell, 1999; Miller, 2003)
Review of Related Literature Research concludes the following regarding after-school programs: youth benefit from consistent participation in quality after-school programs, after-school programs can increase engagement in learning, can also increase educational equity (which provides disadvantaged youth opportunities and experiences that are available to middle and upper class students), and after-school programs build key skills (teamwork, problem solving, communication) necessary for success in today's world. (Miller, 2003).
Review of Related Literature However, after-school programs can interfere with a child’s commitment to their family and community. It can also reduce parental involvement in their child’s academic process. (Cosden, Morrison, Alabanese, & Macias, 2001; Cosden, Morrison, Gutierrez, & Brown, 2004) A study by Vandell & Corasaniti reported middle class children who attended after-school had poorer grades and test scores and were more likely to be rejected by their classmates. (Vandell &Corasaniti, 1988 & 1990).
Review of Related Literature After-school programs can restrict their opportunity to participate in enrichment activities like scouts, music lessons, organized sports that are available to middle-class children. (Posner & Lowe, 1994). Common challenges facing after-school programs: facilities, staffing, and financing. (Halpern, 1999) More research is needed in order to find out whether recreational after-school programs benefit students’ academic performance.
Statement of Hypothesis In comparing academic and recreational after-school programs, 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders attending an academic after-school program will yield better academic results than those attending a recreational after-school program.