BioTech and Health Career opportunities Phenylketonuria (PKU) Germ-line gene therapy Somatic gene therapy Genetic Screening Amniocentesis Examples of disorders which can be diagnosed
BioTech and Health The science of genetics is revolutionizing the way we live A large number of hereditary diseases have now been identified and can be treated because of genetic studies. It also provides an abundance of research and career opportunities
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Examples ___________ Untreated, phenylalanine accumulates and can damage the brain tissue resulting in developmental defects, intellectual disabilities, and seizures Treatment is a reduction in foods containing phenylalanine (meats and fish) We can diagnose this disease at birth, immediately treat it and prevent the symptoms from occurring. Click on the video image To see how videos are Embedded into your slides
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Two Types of Gene Therapy ___________ - These correct genes will be passed onto the offspring
Two Types of Gene Therapy 2) Somatic gene therapy - a process in which therapeutic genes are transferred into somatic cells to treat a genetic disease - ______________ - They will be somatic (shoulder or foot cell genes etc.) not germ cell genes
Genetic Screening Some genetic mutations are known to be associated with specific genetic disorders. ____________ In some cases, early genetic screening means that treatment or ………………
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Those at risk Doctors may recommend that parents who might have mutations in the germ cell DNA (DNA that is passed on to your children) is higher, have amniocentesis. ____________ With this knowledge, parents can better prepare for the arrival of a child with developmental challenges.
Disorders which can be diagnosed Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) Is a genetic condition in which a person has 47 chromosomes instead of the usual 46. ____________
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Disorders which can be diagnosed Monosomy X (Turner syndrome). ____________ …………..…………….
Disorders which can be diagnosed Duchenne muscular dystrophy. _________ Leads to muscle weakness, Learning difficulties, mental retardation, difficulty with motor skills Muscle weakness gets quickly worse. A wheelchair …………… …………………..