Psychological Aspect of Family Mediation Elena Giulia Montorsi Psychologist Psychotherapist Psychological Aspect of Family Mediation
Family Mediation “[A] process in which a mediator, an impartial third party, facilitates the resolution of family disputes by promoting the participants’ voluntary agreement. The family mediator assists communication, encourages understanding and focuses the participants on their individual and common interests. The family mediator works with the participants to explore options, make decisions and reach their own agreements.”
Psychological aspects of Separation ad Divorce
Psychological aspects of Separation and Divorce
Psychological aspects of Mediation
Psychological aspects of Mediation “When people come to mediation they want to be right, your work is to stimulate reflection about family happiness and reject feeling about revenge and violence against the partner”
Psychological aspects of Mediation
Psychological aspects of Mediation
Psychological aspects of Mediation
Psychological aspects of Mediation
Psychological aspects of Mediation In comparison with families who went to court, the residential parent of divorcing couples who mediated, consistently reported that the nonresidential parent discussed problems with them more and participated more in the children’s discipline, grooming, religious training, sport, sport events, special events, school, recreational activities, holidays and vacations!
Psychological aspects of Mediation Mediation improve: communication, rules, respects, parental relationship, relationship with children, relationship with the new partners, prevent problems during childhood and adulthood
Psychological aspects of Mediation