CMQ101 - Course Introduction 6/4/2018 Module 4 Department of Defense (DD) Forms and Data Item Description (DID) Familiarization Last revision 4/20/2017
Module Terminal Learning Objective (TLO) Given a scenario, be able to recognize the data required to complete the pertinent data fields on Configuration Change Management (CCM) Department of Defense (DD) Forms in accordance with the associated Data Item Descriptions (DIDs).
Enabling Learning Objectives (ELOs) Recognize applicable specifications and standards as they relate to the Department of Defense (DD) Form and Data Item Descriptions (DIDs). Interpret data fields and instructions on the various Department of Defense (DD) forms. Given a scenario and the Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) form, identify the applicable sections of the contract.
Enabling Learning Objectives (ELOs), Cont. Given a scenario and supporting documentation and data, complete CCM related DD forms and applicable fields. Given a scenario and supporting documentation and data, determine if the Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) meets the Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) and Data Item Description (DID) requirements. Given a partially completed Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) form, list the missing information.
Module Topics Applicable Specifications and Standards CCM DD Forms and Associated DIDs Tracing ECP Form to the Contract DD Forms- Peer Instruction Exercise
What’s In It For Me? (WIIFM) What do you know about the use of DD Forms in regards to ECPs? What do you want to know about tracing the ECP to the contract? What do you want to learn?
CME204 Engineering Change Proposal Review Configuration Change Management (CCM) Department of Defense (DD) Forms and Associated Data Item Descriptions (DID) Overview
Applicable Specifications and Standards MIL-HDBK-61A, Configuration Management Handbook ANSI/EIA 649-B-2011, Configuration Management Standard SAE EIA 649-1, Configuration Management Requirements for Defense Contracts
SAE EIA 649-1: Annex A Annex A – Tailoring Worksheet A.1 General This Annex is a tool for practitioners to use to aid them in tailoring requirements of this standard and is not intended to be part of the contract. A.2 Matrix Description A check mark in the column entitled “Applies” indicates where the Acquirer has determined the applicability of the SAE Configuration Management Requirements for Defense Contracts, EIA-649-1. Columns are titled paragraph, requirement, sub-requirement, applies Y/N, change or clarification, SOW paragraph, DID no., CDRL Number, CDRL tailoring. Rows include 3. Configuration Management Requirements, 3.1 Planning and management. For this row in the DID no. column it reads DI-SESS-80858 Supplier’s Configuration Management Plan.
Configuration Management (CM) Related DD Forms SAE EIA 649-1, “Configuration Management Requirements for Defense Contracts” Used for placing CM requirements on Defense contracts after being tailored by the Acquirer CM related DD Forms DD Form 1692, Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) DD Form 2617, Engineering Release Record (ERR) DD Form 1695, “Notice of Revision (NOR) DD Form 1696, Specification Change Notice (SCN) DD Form 1694, Request for Variance (RFV) Updated associated DIDs
SAE EIA 649-1 Annex A is used for: Knowledge Review SAE EIA 649-1 Annex A is used for: Communicating basic contract information with Program Support Team Tailoring requirements on Defense contracts by the Acquirer Providing information for the sub- suppliers only Tracing Engineering Change Proposal forms to the Contract
DD Forms Access DD Forms: 1692 (ECP), 1695 (NOR), 1696 (SCN), 2617 (ERR)
DD Forms and Associated DIDs Quick Search ASSIST website: DIDs: ECP, NOR, SCN, ERR
Graded Activity: CCM DD Forms and Associated DIDs Team 1 Graded Activity: CCM DD Forms and Associated DIDs Team 2 CME204 M4_DD Forms Exr_Activity Rubric Team 3 Team 4 Timing Small Groups: 50 minutes Class Debrief: 20 minutes Artifacts DD Form 1692 ECP and DID ECP DD Form 1695 NOR and DID NOR DD Form 1696 SCN and DID SCN DD Form 2617 ERR and DID ERR Instructions Examine reissued CCM forms and associated DIDs. Work with your team to answer the questions. You will be assessed as a group using a rubric. Prepare to share your findings with the entire class.
Tracing ECP Form and Contract SOW CDRL DID ECP Form
Tracing ECP Form and Contract, Cont. SOW Section C Image of SOW Section C line 526 reads contractor will provide ECPs for changes to Cis (CDRL A0005, DI-SESS-80639D). CDRL Section J Image of CDRL Section J that reads Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) Box 1 Date Item number A0005 and Box 2 Title of Data Item Engineering Change Proposal. . Image of CDRL Section J box 4 authority DI-SESS-80639D and box 14 remarks Block 12: The Contractor must submit and Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) to establish the Functional Baseline (FBL) and Allocated Baseline (ABL). ECPs are submitted using DD Form 1692 and for many subsequent changes to existing baselines.
Tracing ECP Form Back to Contract, Cont. DID 2. Format. The ECP shall be in one of the following formats: A. DD Form 1692, Engineering Change Proposal (ECP), B. The schema required by the Acquirer’s Integrated Digital Environment (IDE), or C. The Supplier’s preferred format. Data Item Description, Engineering Change Proposal (ECP), Number DI-SESS-80639D ECP Form Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) not filled out.
What is the standard DD form for ECPs? Knowledge Review What is the standard DD form for ECPs? DD Form 2617 DD Form 1694 DD Form 1696 DD Form 1692
Department of Defense (DD) Forms and Data Item Description (DID) Familiarization Summary
Key Points Applicable Specifications and Standards are important tools in conducting CRRs. Configuration Change Management (CCM) Department of Defense (DD) Forms and Associated Data Item Descriptions (DIDs) Tracing Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) form to the contract
Summary What did you know about ECP documentation when you arrived? What did you want to know about DD and DID requirements? What did you learn that you didn’t expect?