The passive voice OBJECTIVE: Be able to answer the question: How do I translate Latin present passive verbs?
The following sentences contain active verbs: Wales will win the rugby world cup. Zeta 5 are learning their level 3 vocab. Now, they contain passive verbs: The rugby world cup will be won by Wales Level 3 vocab is being learned by Zeta 5
When a verb becomes passive, it needs a: is being/was being/will be The object becomes the subject and the subject becomes ablative. S aV O The boy loves the girl S pV Abl The girl is loved by the boy
Task: Active to passive tennis: Come up with an English active sentence to give to your partner (must have a subject/object/verb). Your partner must make the sentence passive. If he succeeds, gets a point. If he does not, you get the point. Switch roles and continue switching until I say stop. Record your marks. Extension: Use as many tenses for your verbs as possible.
Now let’s look at the Latin: For the present, imperfect and future tenses, it is very easy to form the passive. All you need to do is add: -r -ris -tur -mur -mini -ntur The person of the verb is still the subject, but now receiving the action.
So, the present tense becomes: amor - I am (being) loved amaris - you are (being) loved amatur - he/she/it is (being) loved amamur - we are (being) loved amamini - you are (being) loved amantur - they are (being) loved Let’s try some…
ab regibus laudaris
The imperfect tense and future tense passive goes like this: Imperfect Future I was being loved I will be loved/sent amabar amabor mittar amabaris amaberis mitteris amabatur amabitur mittetur amabamur amabimur mittemur amabamini amabimini mittemini amabantur amabuntur mittentur
Epistulae ab uxore mittentur
ab iuvenibus salutabaris
Task: In your books, answer 6 questions from columns A and B Task: In your books, answer 6 questions from columns A and B. Make sure you challenge yourself, but don’t make it too difficult. Extension: Is English to Latin translation. Make sure you check the conjugation of the verb.
The passive voice OBJECTIVE: Be able to answer the question: How do I translate Latin present passive verbs? On your post-it answer the question as best you can. You can use an example or explain.