C2.2(1) Core Democratic Values of American Constitutional Democracy Fundamental Beliefs: LIFE The individual's right to life should be considered sacred LIBERTY each person is free to act, think and believe as they choose without interference from the government THE PURSUIT of HAPPINESS The right of each person to attempt to find happiness in their own way COMMON GOOD Individuals must accept their obligation to promote the well being of the community and work with others for the greater benefit of all JUSTICE All people should be treated fairly
C2.2(1) EQUALITY DIVERSITY TRUTH POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY PATRIOTISM All people are treated as equals under the law DIVERSITY Society benefits from a variety of ethnic and cultural backgrounds, etc TRUTH Citizens can demand their gov’t is truthful POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY The people have the ultimate authority PATRIOTISM People should show a love of country
C2.2(1) Core Democratic Values of American Constitutional Democracy Constitutional Principles: RULE OF LAW Both government and the governed should be subject to the law SEPARATION of POWERS Legislative, executive, and judicial powers should be carried out by different branches of government REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT Citizens elect others to represent their interests CHECKS and BALANCES No branch should dominate another INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS We have certain natural rights not given by gov’t FREEDOM of RELIGION the right to freely practice any religion, or no religion, without government interference
C2.2(1) FEDERALISM CIVILIAN CONTROL of the MILITARY Power is shared between the states and the central (federal) gov’t CIVILIAN CONTROL of the MILITARY Non-military persons should control the military
C2.1(1)SUMMARY QUESTIONS “The individual's right to life should be considered sacred”. How Many Examples, if any, Can You Think of Where This Core Fundamental Belief Should Be Ignored? Review the Definition of Liberty as a Core Belief. When Should That Belief Be Ignored, if ever? Do You See Diversity In This School? This City? Explain Your Answer Review the Definition of the Constitutional Principle of Civilian Control of the Military. Is This a Good Idea? Why or Why not? Do you feel Patriotism is important? Explain Your Answer