Certification of Data Services Trusted Data Services for Global Science Certification of Data Services Mustapha Mokrane WDS Executive Director mustapha.mokrane@icsu-wds.org RDA 7th Plenary, Tokyo, 29 February 2016
What are (WDS) Data Services? Geophysical/geodetic data analysis services More than a data centre: analysis centres, data products centres, etc. Complex organizational structures: networks, nodes, central bureau, governing boards, etc. Links with International Scientific Unions, Scientific Associations, UN bodies, etc. Complex but essential components of the data infrastructure serving scientific research! ICSU-WDS Members includes not only data centres (mainly repositories) but also data services. Many of these data services consist of a number of components (data centres, analysis centres, product centres, etc.) Sometimes the long-term preservation is outsourced They have their own organisational structure (e.g., central bureau or governing board). Moreover, the data services often have close linkages with the ICSU Scientific Unions and their Associations. The partnership between DSA and ICSU-WDS will need to handle this complexity.
Examples of (a WDS) Data Service? International Global Navigation Satellite System Service (IGS) GPS Satellite Ephemerides Satellite & Station Clocks Earth Rotation Atmospheric Parameters IGS: International Association of Geodesy (IAG) IUGG
The IGS operates a global network of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) ground stations, data centers, and data analysis centers to provide data and derived data products that are essential for Earth science research; multi-disciplinary positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) applications; and education. The foundation of the IGS is a global network of over 400 permanent, continuously operating, geodetic quality stations tracking GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou, QZSS, and SBAS. Station data is archived at IGS Global Data Centers and four Regional Data Centers. Analysis Centers regularly process the data and contribute products to the Analysis Center coordinator, who produces the official IGS combined products. The Central Bureau is responsible for day-to-day management of the IGS, following policies set by the IGS International Governing Board. The IGS reference frame coordinator determines tracking site coordinates and velocities in the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF), and organizes the IGS contribution to ITRF.
IGS Data Centres
Other Data Services? Weather and Climate: WMO Information System (WIS) and Data Collection or Production Centre for the World Weather Information Service [Hundreds of Data Repositories and National Weather Services] Mapping and Geological surveys: National Surveys and International initiatives like OneGeology CGMW, IUGS and UNESCO Census data services: National and International like UNData Statistics Division (UNSD) Environmental data services: air pollution, water management, fisheries etc.
Why Certification of Data Services? The quality and reliability (trustworthiness) of data products is established through a chain of which the data repository is only one link! Certifying the repository function only is not enough Need to certify the other operational components: analysis centres, data products centres. Need for endorsement by relevant and authoritative science bodies IAG: Service Assessment Questionnaire