Process Control & Instrumentation MAPUA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY PID CONTROLLER MAPUA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY School of Chemical Engineering & Chemistry
OUTLINE Important Concepts Process Time Lags PID Control Algorithms Selection Of Control Action
PROCESS CONTROL Definition the physical regulation of a process to maintain a particular process variable as close as possible to a desired value.
4 BASIC COMPONENTS IN A FEEDBACK CONTROL LOOP Operator Set Point (SV) 3. Controller Controller Output Process Variable (PV) 2. Measuring Element 4. Final Control Element Controlled Variable (CV) Manipulated Variable (MV) 1. Process Load Variable Refining Process (Plant)
FEEDBACK CONTROL ALGORITHM Feedback Control = PID Control where OUT(t) = controller output, 0 - 100% OUTdesign = design (steady state) controller output OUT = control adjustment OUT(t) = OUTdesign + OUT
PID CONTROL ALGORITHM P = Proportional Control Action I = Integral Control Action D = Derivative Control Action
Proportional Control Action control adjustment is proportional to the magnitude of the error where OUT = control adjustment, % Kc = Proportionality Constant (Gain or Sensitivity) e = ERROR = Set Point (SP) - Process Variable (PV) OUT = (Kc)(e)
Integral Control Action control adjustment is proportional to the time integral of the error where OUT = control adjustment, % I = Integral Time Constant, time t OUT = (Kc)/(I) (e)dt
Derivative Control Action control adjustment is proportional to the rate of change of the error where OUT = control adjustment, % D = Derivative Time Constant, time OUT = (Kc)(D)(de/dt)
Types of PID Controller P - Proportional Controller PI - Proportional Integral Controller PD - Proportional Derivative Controller PID - Proportional Integral Derivative Controller
P - Proportional Controller OUT(t) = OUTdesign + (Kc)(e) only one tuning parameter ( Kc ) there is always an offset = steady state error or permanent deviation between the Set Point and the Process Variable
PI - Proportional Integral Controller OUT(t) = OUTdesign + (Kc)(e) + (Kc)/(I) (e)dt eliminates offset more unstable compared to P Controller two tuning parameters ( Kc , I )
PD - Proportional Derivative Controller OUT(t) = OUTdesign + (Kc)(e) + (Kc)(D)(de/dt) faster response does not eliminates offset susceptible to noise two tuning parameters ( Kc , D)
PID - Proportional Integral Derivative Controller OUT(t) = OUTdesign + (Kc)(e) + (Kc)/(I) (e)dt + (Kc)(D)(de/dt) faster response eliminates offset susceptible to noise three tuning parameters ( Kc , I , D)
Selection of Control Action