Bíró László inventor of the ball-point pen He was born in 1899 in Budapest. First he worked as a journalist. During the 1930’s he designed the first ball-point pen-. In 1944 the American Army bought thirty thousand because soldiers could write with them outside in the rain. At the end of the war „Biros” quickly became very popular all over the world. You can find the word „biro” in the English language as the synonim of pen. Bíró László inventor of the ball-point pen
Besides, he invented the automatic gear-stick, the deo-stick, the press mirror and the internal combustion engine. He died in Buenos Aires in 1985. The day of his birthday (29 September) is the Day of Inventors in Argentina (Dia del Inventor)
Rubik Ernő Do you know this popular game? Have you ever played with it? Are you able to build up the cube with only one colour for each side? The Magic Cube
Rubik Ernő was born in Budapest in 1944. He got a degree as an architect. In the 1980's he started his own company, where he designed toys, games and furniture. He created difficult logical games.
The Magic Cube (popular name is Rubic-Cube) became extremely famous and internationally popular all around the world. Today there are contests to find the winner, who is the fastest cube-player! Let's try it! It's not easy!
The first Hungarian astronaut Farkas Bertalan The first Hungarian astronaut
He spent 7 days 20 hours 45 minutes in the space. In 1980, on the board of Szojuz-36 he travelled to the space, he did his tasks succesfully. He spent 7 days 20 hours 45 minutes in the space. He was born in 1949 in Gyulaháza. He was a very busy,detergent pupil, he wanted to be a football-player. Then he started to fly.He started his university studies in Hungary,then in Russia (or Soviet-Union that time)
He got the reward of "the Hero of the Hungarian People's Republic" and "the Astronaut of the Hungarian People's Republic". He also worked in the USA. He was the military attaché there. He remembered for his space-memories with these marvellous words: "Előszőr látni Magyarországot a világűrből, látni a napfelkeltét és a naplementét. Azután a kozmikus éjszaka csillagképei, a hegyláncok Dél-Amerikában,Afrika sivatagjainak szépsége és a vörös homokfelhők India fölött."