CAMPAIGN REPORT SUPPORT. DON’T PUNISH 2017 CHARLAS Y CONFERENCIAS Andrés Rosario Program’s Intensive Dispositif for adults "Barrilete Cósmico" On June 26th, thousands of people participated in activities organized in more than 180 cities and over 80 countries as part of Global Day of Action based on the campaign #SupportDontPunishl against “war on drugs”. The campaign aims to promote access to interventions on harm reduction and eliminate the criminalization of people who consume drugs. In Argentina, due to the noticeable increase of institutional violence particularly police involvement, Intercambios Civil Association was determined to disclose institutional violence against adolescents who consume alcohol and other drugs in different settings such as schools, hospitals, and public spaces. To do so, connections were made with organizations, professionals, and health care teams from all over the country that collaborated in the campaign. Over 20 organizations from different regions of the country adhered and organized different activities. Summary of the federal campaign #SupportDontPunish 1. BAHÍA BLANCA Addictions and Mental Health Unit. Secretary of Health. Municipality of Bahía Blanca. 2. BARILOCHE Addiction Prevention Center of the Municipality of San Carlos de Bariloche and Hemp Organization Bariloche. 3. BUENOS AIRES - CABA Intercambios Civil Association; NoTeSientasZarpado; Integral Attention Center to Childhood and adolescence (CAINA) of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires; Assistential Community Intervention Center of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires; Argentine Network of Positive Young Adults and Adolescents Red Argentina; The Víctor Jara. LA MATANZA: Envión/Podés Integral System of Child and Young Adult Rights Protection of the Municipality of La Matanza. MORENO: "Cuidarnos" Program of Addictions Prevention and Attention of the Municipality of Moreno. 4. JUJUY DIAT Alto Comedero Jujuy and Madres de la Esperanza Ledesma Foundation . 5. MAR DEL PLATA Intersectional Community Health Board, Mar del Plata. 6. MENDOZA AABRA Mendoza. 7. RECONQUISTA Reconquista node of the Provincial Direction of Mental Health, Santa Fe. 8. RÍO CUARTO Addictions Divisision, Subsecretary of Human Rights, Municipality of Río Cuarto. 9. ROSARIO Andrés Rosario Program Civil Association; Ateneo John William Cooke Rosario; La Estación - network space of the social cabinet of the Municipality of Rosario. 10. TUCUMÁN Universitary Program for Addictions Study (PUNA) University of Tucumán and Volver Foundation . 11. VIEDMA Socio Community Integration Center "La Parada" of Viedma CHARLAS Y CONFERENCIAS Health teams training in Reconquista, Province of Santa Fe. High Schools tutors training in Bariloche. Presentation in the 15º National Conference on Drug Policies. In Mar del Plata users of an attention dispositif exposed their testimonies. WORKSHOPS Social organizations who worked with adolescents, conducted workshops to discuss institutional violence related to alcohol and other drugs. Socio Community Integration Center (CISC) “La Parada”, Viedma, Río Negro. "Cuidarnos" Program of Addictions Prevention and Attention of the Municipality of Moreno, Bs. As. Envión/Podés Integral System of Child and Young Adult Rights Protection of the Municipality of La Matanza. CULTURAL ACTIVITIES Different cities participated to raise awareness against institutional violence through musical and artistic performances in public spaces and cultural centers. Also, adolescent artists in distinct parts of the country provided imagery and color with their pieces to promote the message of “Support. Don’t Punish in walls and streets. Jujuy Jujuy Jujuy Mar de Plata Rosario Tucumán Buenos Aires La Matanza INFORMATIONAL STANDS Activists and professionals utilized the public space to provide information on global day of action, inviting the public to participate in an interactive photo project. Bariloche Tucumán Jujuy Beginning on June 1st until the Global Day of Action graphics and audiovisuals were produced and shared via social media, titled “Stop institutional violence against adolescents who consume drugs”. The videos were created alongside Intercambios with teachers and students from the Institute of Recreation and Free Time in coordination with Areas of Special Practices. As a result of the campaign, Facebook only using Intercambios CA fan page the outreach materials reached 102.167 people with 803 likes and was shared 1.100 times. On twitter during the month of June la @intercambios ca account has 77 tweets related to the campaign which reached 28.700 views, 769 profile visits, 36 mentions and 30 new followers. SOCIAL MEDIA *watch the campaigns videos by visiting Intercambios youtube page at: : MEDIA Day of Global Action generated impact via local and national media. Carried out 22 acknowledgements, 19 in newspapers and portals and 3 radio interviews.