Justin is an ordinary kid... Our bodies are made sacred – they are temples to the Holy Spirit. Justin is enrolled in a special program and probably has a gift to offer the world. He must realized this and develop this gift so he can use it to become a more virtuous person. Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted. Justin should try to make peace with the people teasing him, and report the teasing if it still continues. Justin should take pride in the body God has given him as well as the gifts and talents he has received from God.
Sue, an attractive girl who is of ... Sue needs to remember that her body is sacred – it is a temple to the Holy Spirit and should be treated as such. God also dwells in her body so she needs to take care of it and not endanger her body – Thou shall not kill. Sue should speak with her counsellor and see a doctor to learn about healthy diet exercise and healthy body image. Sue needs to also learn that the ideals presented in the media about body image are not healthy and are often unrealistic. Sue needs to realize that she should love herself for who she is as she is made in God’s image.
Tim, who was born with a ... Euthanasia is wrong – Thou shall not kill. Tim is still made in God image and his life is a gift from God. Tim’s family must see Tim through these difficult times and comfort him the best they can. God dwells in Tim’s body as well and so no one has the right to kill him or damage his body in any way. From the moment of conception to natural death Tim must be afforded all the rights of any human including the right to life. The family should consult their doctors, priest, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and pray to God for guidance.
Noreen has full-blown AIDS... Thou shall not kill - from the moment of conception to natural death, all human life is sacred and must be afforded the same rights including the right to life. Noreen’s talents and her life are a gift from God and she does not have the right to kill herself. Noreen should pray and find comfort in the Lord as her friends have abandoned her. She should still find a way to continue sharing her gift if she is physically able (to internet music lessons, record and write music, tutor, she share care her talent with other patients she has met, commit her efforts to AIDS awareness.
Monique, a well-liked high school... Monique is still made in God’s image and should be recognized for this gift. She needs to remember that God has given her many gifts and talents to celebrate and develop. Monique’s friends need to look beyond her scars and connect with the person who she still is on the inside. Monique should also seek out counselling or a support group to help deal with these changes. True friends like you and accept you for who you are and not how you look.
Chen is a talented basketball player... Chen shouldn’t have been risking injury by playing in a pick up game. Chen should remember his still is made in God’s image and can still do God’s work. He should go to rehab so he can volunteer as a coach in a community centre or work with an OBA team. He can still use his body smart in other ways to be a more virtuous person. Chen can also use this as an opportunity to develop his other gifts and talents.