Electric Power Distribution: Matching Sources and Loads Ward Jewell, Jerry Heydt need markets participation Continues work of PSERC T-21, Evaluation of Distributed Electric Energy Storage and Generation The infinite bus is finite G&T systems have changed Loads have changed
Long term goals better characterize distribution’s G&T source better characterize distribution’s loads reliability and quality enumerate services distribution provides in matching source to load, identify technologies to provide services existing, emerging, and future identify distribution opportunities to provide ancillary and other transmission services optimize match between sources and loads technically and economically
Project goals Enumerate distribution services Evaluate feasibility of providing ancillary or other transmission Develop specifications for each (e.g. capacity, ramp rates, charge/discharge times) Identify existing, emerging and future distribution technologies with special focus on energy storage distribution and transmission services each provides Demonstrate the feasibility on industry team sites Monitor transmission bus to characterize the source Characterize distribution loads Identify services needed by transmission and loads Evaluate technologies to optimally providing the services