From: Odorants Elicit Evoked Potentials in the Human Amygdala Figure 5. Representative monopolar recordings obtained from the deepest electrode contact (filtered 1–64 Hz) in the amygdala of Patient 6 during the suprathreshold detection test. (a) Raw recordings collected in response to the first and second odorant stimulations of butanol (S1, S4), and to the first non-odorant stimulation (S2). (b) Averaged recordings for eight OD stimulations of butanol and eight NOD stimulations. Stimulus onset corresponds to the value 0 ms. From: Odorants Elicit Evoked Potentials in the Human Amygdala Cereb Cortex. 2001;11(7):619-627. doi:10.1093/cercor/11.7.619 Cereb Cortex | © Oxford University Press
From: Odorants Elicit Evoked Potentials in the Human Amygdala Figure 6. Latencies of the OEP positive potential averaged for the seven patients and for the eight OD stimulations (S1, S4, S5, S7, S10, S11, S12, S15) of the suprathreshold detection test. *Significant decrease (P < 0.05) in latency when compared with the first stimulation; **significant difference (P < 0.05); vertical bars, standard deviation. From: Odorants Elicit Evoked Potentials in the Human Amygdala Cereb Cortex. 2001;11(7):619-627. doi:10.1093/cercor/11.7.619 Cereb Cortex | © Oxford University Press
From: Odorants Elicit Evoked Potentials in the Human Amygdala Figure 7. Spindles recorded from raw electrophysiological responses (filtered 20–64 Hz) in the amygdala in (a) the passive-stimulation test for Patient 1 stimulated by isoamyl phenylacetate (ISO), and for Patient 3 stimulated by lavender (LAV); (b) the suprathreshold detection test for Patients 1 and 3 stimulated by an OD stimulus (butanol) and by an NOD stimulus. Stimulation duration was determined by the respiratory signal. Stimulus onset corresponds to the value 0 ms. From: Odorants Elicit Evoked Potentials in the Human Amygdala Cereb Cortex. 2001;11(7):619-627. doi:10.1093/cercor/11.7.619 Cereb Cortex | © Oxford University Press
From: Odorants Elicit Evoked Potentials in the Human Amygdala Figure 1. Example of raw monopolar recordings collected from the most external contact of electrodes implanted in the left amygdala (Am), the left hippocampus (Hi) and the left temporal pole (Tp). The recordings were obtained from a patient with left temporal epilepsy during the suprathreshold detection test in response to a stimulation of butanol. The amygdala produced too frequent interictal spikes so that no OEP could be evidenced. The hippocampus and the temporal pole that did not produce epileptiform activity did not exhibit an electrophysiological response to the stimulation of butanol. From: Odorants Elicit Evoked Potentials in the Human Amygdala Cereb Cortex. 2001;11(7):619-627. doi:10.1093/cercor/11.7.619 Cereb Cortex | © Oxford University Press
From: Odorants Elicit Evoked Potentials in the Human Amygdala Figure 2. Example of raw monopolar recording obtained in one patient suffering from left temporal epilepsy. (a) Long and large spike-wave complex induced by the odor of lily and collected on the electrode implanted in the left amygdala. The most external contact of the electrode is here represented. (b) Respiratory signal simultaneously collected by the low-pressure sensor enabling the determination of the onset and the end of the stimulation. From: Odorants Elicit Evoked Potentials in the Human Amygdala Cereb Cortex. 2001;11(7):619-627. doi:10.1093/cercor/11.7.619 Cereb Cortex | © Oxford University Press
From: Odorants Elicit Evoked Potentials in the Human Amygdala Figure 3. Electrophysiological recordings from the amygdala of Patient 4 for the passive-stimulation test. (a) Frontal MRI showing the electrode implanted in the right amygdala. Only the four deepest contacts (A1, A2, A3, A4) of this electrode were considered as being located within the structure. (b) Example of raw monopolar OEPs (filtered 1–64 Hz) obtained from A1, A2, A3, A4 in response to a single stimulation of lavender. (c) Monopolar averaged OEPs (filtered 1–64 Hz) obtained from the 12 odors. PP, positive potential; NP, negative potential. Stimulus onset corresponds to the value 0 ms. From: Odorants Elicit Evoked Potentials in the Human Amygdala Cereb Cortex. 2001;11(7):619-627. doi:10.1093/cercor/11.7.619 Cereb Cortex | © Oxford University Press
From: Odorants Elicit Evoked Potentials in the Human Amygdala Figure 4. Electrophysiological recordings from the amygdala of Patient 2 for the passive-stimulation test. (a) Monopolar averaged OEPs (filtered 1–64 Hz) obtained from the 12 odors on the four deepest contacts (A1, A2, A3, A4) of the electrode implanted in the amygdala. (b) Bipolar averaged OEPs (filtered 1–64 Hz) obtained by digital subtraction of the monopolar data. Stimulus onset corresponds to the value 0 ms. From: Odorants Elicit Evoked Potentials in the Human Amygdala Cereb Cortex. 2001;11(7):619-627. doi:10.1093/cercor/11.7.619 Cereb Cortex | © Oxford University Press