Making Decatur More Beautiful!
Facebook Followers
No Litter Zone Pledges 252 Businesses 95 added in 2016!
No Litter Zone Pledges Decatur Public Schools have signed No Litter Zone Pledges and have created campus plans for remaining Litter Free. 21
BeE-Utify Decatur Contest 100 Businesses Participated in 2016
Adopt-A-Street Highway 80 Groups have adopted streets/highways
Planted and Watered 69 Planters
First Sculpture on 22nd
Refreshed Welcome to Decatur Signage 6 signs painted and landscape gardens adopted All Main St. Islands adopted as well two Eldorado Greenspaces
Refreshed Home of the Chicago Bears Sign
Litter Clean Ups 16 Community Clean-Ups: 3 Eldorado cleanups, 3 22nd St 2 Downtown cleanups 1 Nelson Park lake area, 1 Brettwood Village 1 Fairview Plaza area 1 EHS/St. Mary's neighborhood 1 Old King's Orchard neighborhood 1 MHS neighborhood 1 36 and Jasper intersection 1 36 west.
24 Neighborhoods Neighborhood Organizations Who meet consistently and participate in neighborhood clean ups.
Keep Decatur Merry Contest Winner
To Our Dedicated Volunteers Our Sponsors Our Contest Participants THANK YOU To Our Dedicated Volunteers Our Sponsors Our Contest Participants Please help us continue to make positive difference in our community.
stats as of year end 2016 3000 Facebook followers 253 Companies signed No Litter Zone Pledges 100 Businesses participated in Bee-utify Decatur Contest 80 Streets/Highways have been adopted 69 Downtown Planters planted and maintained 24 Neighborhood Organizations 21 DPS #61 Schools have signed No Litter Zone Pledges 16 Community Litter clean up events 6 Welcome to Decatur Signs Painted and Gardens adopted 4 Volunteers adopted Main St. islands 1 Home of the Chicago Bears sign painted and adopted 1 Sculpture added to 22nd Street Holiday Lighting Contest stats as of year end 2016