SUGGESTED MEASURES TO MINIMIZE WEAKNESS BEC CORE VALUES STRENGTHS WEAKNESS SUGGESTED MEASURES TO MINIMIZE WEAKNESS Centered in Christ/ faithfulness in the teachings of the apostles/ Church More knowledge about God Appreciation of God’s unconditional LOVE Awareness of Christian responsibilities Church leaders do not join BEC BEC does not inspire the younger generation lack of concern and concrete actions in addressing social issues ( no integration between knowledge and action) Continue BEC orientation to men and women involved in the different ministries. Encourage YOUTH to join BEC orientation ROLE MODELLING Inputs on social issues/ situationer e.g environmental concerns, political situation Regular BEC assemblies for assessment and evaluation to sustain the activities.
SUGGESTED MEASURES TO MINIMIZE WEAKNESS BEC CORE VALUES STRENGTHS WEAKNESS SUGGESTED MEASURES TO MINIMIZE WEAKNESS Life (attitudes) are somehow transformed FORMATION OF PARISH, VICARIATE and DIOCESAN COORDINATING TEAMS Relationship among family members has improved as well as in the neighbourhood Some are conscious in the weekly mass attendance CATECHESIS Recollection Fellowship activities Sessions on parenting to sustain good relationship among family members
SUGGESTED MEASURES TO MINIMIZE WEAKNESS BEC CORE VALUES STRENGTHS WEAKNESS SUGGESTED MEASURES TO MINIMIZE WEAKNESS Prayer/ celebration of life Faithfulness to devotional prayers, eg. Rosary, Novena. celebration of Birthdays e.g. mañanita, anniversaries/fiesta preference of devotions over Sunday mass members do not come on time or do not regularly join scheduled bible sharing critical role of leaders in sustaining BEC Formation of new leaders and its continuing formation. Catechesis
SUGGESTED MEASURES TO MINIMIZE WEAKNESS BEC CORE VALUES STRENGTHS WEAKNESS SUGGESTED MEASURES TO MINIMIZE WEAKNESS no access to livelihood opportunities for daily subsistence ( reason for absence in prayer) participation in Church / worship activities are mostly WOMEN only more income generating initiatives to alleviate poverty to attend to church activities SUPPORT OF PRIESTS/ initiative of priests to visit or to reach out to members especially in the remote areas. strategies/programs to encourage men to participate actively in the church activities
SUGGESTED MEASURES TO MINIMIZE WEAKNESS BEC CORE VALUES STRENGTHS WEAKNESS SUGGESTED MEASURES TO MINIMIZE WEAKNESS Fellowship (panag- inigsuonay) neighbours got to know each other better and become friends care for each others’ needs family members have varied faith affiliations yet have maintained good relationship sense of belongingness
SUGGESTED MEASURES TO MINIMIZE WEAKNESS BEC CORE VALUES STRENGTHS WEAKNESS SUGGESTED MEASURES TO MINIMIZE WEAKNESS Sacrifice/ malasakit generated funds to support burial needs of members Concern for the cell members who are in need of help is practiced. Diocesan wide DRRM training. More members are absent than present due to financial situation. DRRM training is hardly practiced Lack of commitment for the care of the environment Most trainings and seminars are participated only by leaders. more socio-economic projects seriously involve in systemic change /social justice eg. political education. basics in taking care of the environment Sessions on Laudato Si Trainings should be cascaded to the members for levelling off of information and knowledge.
SUGGESTED MEASURES TO MINIMIZE WEAKNESS BEC CORE VALUES STRENGTHS WEAKNESS SUGGESTED MEASURES TO MINIMIZE WEAKNESS Bahaginan (angay-angay) sharing of resources The poor generously supports the needs of the institutional church Continue family / value formation programs. Nakabuklod (nagkahiusa) many of the old members are united no clear programs/ direction in the parish hard to recruit young members Role of Priests Mulat (may kaamguhan) lack of commitment and information especially in social issues eg. Human trafficking, environmental concerns, socio-political issues. relevant inputs/ sessions to supplement the weekly BEC gathering intensify care for the common home
SUGGESTED MEASURES TO MINIMIZE WEAKNESS BEC CORE VALUES STRENGTHS WEAKNESS SUGGESTED MEASURES TO MINIMIZE WEAKNESS Clear vision (Linaw ang direksyon leadership is weak (leader lacks skill and know how in handling the cell groups) clear VISION in the Parish and Dioceses. Leadership Training for BEC leaders Action (molihok) Parish structure/ direction is not clear Multi- tasking (one person could hold 5 to 7 positions) leadership style does not empower others. pastoral assessment in the parish/diocese Inputs on what leadership or servant leadership is.