Presentation to the Standing Committee on Appropriations Appropriation Bill [B3-2010] 4 May 2010
Presentation outline Purpose of presentation Key issues Education and Skills Training Small, Medium & Micro Enterprises Support Performance Measures Equitable share in appropriations Recommendations
Purpose of presentation Address the following issues: Appropriation Bill is Procyclical & therefore stymies or stunt South Africa’s prospects for growth; Allocations will continue to increase inequality and negatively affect black people in this country; Allocations seem to continue to be made arbitrarily with no evidence of performance measures being tabled to justify expenditure.
Key issues Refer to written statement Education & Skills Training SMME support Performance Measures Equitable allocations
Illustrations (Education & Skills) 3. Youth in Higher Education & Training 1. Youth in School 2. Unemployed Youth (unskilled) 4. Employed Youth 5. Unemployed Graduates 6. Youth in Conflict with Law 8. Self employed
Illustration (Performance Measures) Govt Dept Appropriation* Output * Outcome* Programme R’000 Qualitative & Quantitative Qualitative & Quantitative * Comparative year on year figures to track progress should be provided
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