Career Education Standard


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Presentation transcript:

Career Education Standard Ken Edwards Education Programme Lead

What is career education? learn about interests, strengths and personal qualities gain knowledge about the world of work understand how skills are used in the workplace make informed and confident choices about their next steps develop resilience when faced with challenges problem-solve and think strategically be successful career planners As an integral part of the curriculum

Career Management Skills “Technology and globalisation are creating new, dynamic and increasingly complex economic contexts to navigate”. “Career education is core to supporting young people to take responsibility for career and employability pathways”. The Evidence Base on Lifelong Guidance (ELGPN) Hooley 2014

Your postcode is your future Leavers attainment 1+ @ SCQF 6

Impact on attainment “.... statistically significant .... 1.83% increase in the number of students attaining at least five good GCSEs and a 1.80% increase in the number of students achieving Maths and English GCSEs”. Advancing ambitions: The role of career guidance in supporting social mobility Hooley, Matheson & Watts 2014, Sutton Trust

Learning ... always better in context

“CareerStart is a programme in which mathematics, science and other subjects are taught using illustrations from real jobs, enabling pupils to understand how course content is applied outside the classroom”. “Schools implementing CareerStart, compared to control schools .... show higher pupil engagement in school, and had improved test scores in math and reading”. Advancing academic achievement through career relevance in the middle grades American Educational Research Journal (2013)

Social capital: broadening horizons “Career guidance is important to social mobility. If young people and their families know more about the rich range of careers open to people with the right qualifications, they will have a clearer idea of the routes to better jobs. This knowledge may already be available to pupils from families of graduates and professionals, but if most of your family are unemployed or in low-skilled jobs, how would you know”? Good Career Guidance, J Holman, Gatsby (2014)

Economic benefits The evidence shows that career guidance can have substantial benefits for the economy by supporting individuals to enhance their capacities in ways that contribute to enhanced jobs, skills and growth.” The Economic Benefits of Career Guidance, Hooley & Dodd, 2015 Individual outcomes Human capital Social capital Supported transitions Primary economic outcomes Increased labour market participation Decreased unemployment Enhanced skills and knowledge Flexible and mobile labour market 56,000 104,000 Macro-economic outcomes Deficit reduction Productivity Living standards Economic growth Secondary economic outcomes Improved health Decreased crime Increased tax revenue Decreased benefit costs

Education Working for All! A focus on preparing all young people for employment forms a core element of the implementation of Curriculum for Excellence with appropriate resource dedicated to achieve this. In particular local authorities, SDS and employer representative organisations should work together to develop a more comprehensive standard for careers guidance which would reflect the involvement of employers and their role and input. Recommendation 2 By 2021 40% reduction Top 5

Career Education Standard Aims Children and young people should: learn earlier about career management and the world of work be better prepared to enter and sustain employment Recognise key influencers & shared responsibility Describe and clarify complementary roles

Career Education: a 3-18 journey Start early Continuous Progressive Partnership Individual needs

In context Evolution not revolution Six entitlements for all learners: Opportunities for developing skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work Entitlement 6: Opportunities to move into positive and sustained destinations beyond school Mairi As Scott has just said we are not starting from scratch but rather building on a strong foundation. Indeed DYW is the full realisation of CfE. CfE Entitlements, BtC4, CIAG, CMS and these 2 entitlements are particularly relevant.

Responsibility of all across the curriculum EARLY FIRST SECOND THIRD FOURTH In everyday activity and play, I explore and make choices to develop my learning and interests. I am encouraged to use and share my learning HWB 0-19a Through taking part in a variety of events and activities, I am learning to recognise my own skills and abilities as well as those of others. HWB 1-19a Opportunities to carry out different activities and roles in a variety of settings have enabled me to identify my achievements skills and areas for development. This will help me to prepare for the next stage in my life and learning. HWB 2-19a I am developing the skills and attributes which I will need for learning, life and work. I am gaining understanding of the relevance of my current learning to future opportunities. This is helping me to make informed choices about my life and learning. HWB 3-19a Based on my interests, skills, strengths and preferences, I am supported to make suitable, realistic and informed choices, set manageable goals and plan for my further transitions. HWB 4-19a I can describe some of the kinds of work that people do and I am finding out about the wider world of work. HWB 0-1-20a I am investigating different careers/occupations, ways of working, and learning and training paths. I am gaining experience that helps me recognise the relevance of my learning, skills and interests to my future life. HWB 2-4-20a Curriculum for Excellence: Experiences and Outcomes for Health and Wellbeing, Source: Responsibility of all across the curriculum

Making connections GIRFEC / MCMC / Opportunities for All

Entitlements for all learners Teachers / Practitioners SDS Parents Employers Ken

‘I can’ statements support entitlements Inform planning Describe success Support self-evaluation and profiling

Children and young people will be entitled to: experience a curriculum through which they learn about the world of work and job possibilities and which makes clear the strengths and skills needed to take advantage of these opportunities develop skills for learning, life and work as an integral part of their education and be clear about how all their achievements relate to these develop CMS as an integral part of their curriculum know where to find information and access support making effective use of online sources such as My World of Work

Expectations Describe and clarify roles of the four key influencers

Teachers/Practitioners will: engage children and young people in meaningful discussion about their skills development and assist them in profiling to support their career journeys through professional learning and having access to up-to-date resources, develop and maintain an awareness of the opportunities in the labour market and the attributes and skills needed to take advantage of these relate relevant learning experiences and skills development to the labour market and employment opportunities including entrepreneurship and self-employment encourage diverse thinking in children and young people to consider a broader view of subject choices, career options and job opportunities

Expectations of SDS

SDS will: agree with schools on an annual basis though the School Partnership Agreement how SDS resources can best be deployed to match local circumstances, strengths and needs develop and support online tools to assist children and young people, teachers and practitioners, parents and carers and employers; work with practitioners to develop other resources and support materials continually improve the skills and knowledge of their staff to a high level and support the professional learning of teachers and practitioners as appropriate;

Small tests of change

Expectations 2016/17 All schools working to deliver against CES entitlements and expectations Full roll-out of revised SDS ‘schools offer’ Education Scotland further develops its capacity to evaluate in relation to employability and employment A new focus on work placements and the quality of careers guidance as part of secondary school inspection programme