FDR’s New Deal Faces Opposition This political cartoon shows all the New Deal Programs dancing around FDR.
D. Challenges at Home and Abroad (ca. 1914-1945) f D. Challenges at Home and Abroad (ca. 1914-1945) f. Explain the economic, environmental, and social impact of the Great Depression on American society g. Evaluate the impact of the New Deal on various elements of American society (e.g., social, political, environmental, economic)
Education and the New Deal Through the Civil Works Administration, the government built thousands of schools, paid 50,000 rural teachers, and built over one million miles of roads. This immediately created jobs for the unemployed and built infrastructure for the USA. The goal was to provide jobs for the construction of these buildings and ensure the upcoming generation was educated. Copyright, USHistoryTeachers.com All Rights Reserved.
A Middle School gym built by funds from the New Deal In Corbin, KY that is still in use today.
Direct Relief For the Needy -Hoover wanted a hands off approach and not to give direct relief paid for by taxes. Yet, FDR wanted to pursue direct relief. The Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) gave food, clothing, and other goods to the unemployed, elderly, and disabled. FDR used deficit spending, spending more money than the government has, kind of like a federal credit card, to achieve these goals. Copyright, USHistoryTeachers.com All Rights Reserved.
Opposition to the New Deal FDR faced criticism and support for the New Deal. Many liberals asserted the New Deal would rescue the USA from the Great Depression and revive the economy. Many conservative Republicans argued that FDR went too far and guided the USA toward Socialism and a government with too many regulations and taxes. Copyright, USHistoryTeachers.com All Rights Reserved.
a negative thing and that FDR was becoming a dictator. Some people thought the New Deal was a good thing that would take the USA toward economic recovery. Others thought it was a negative thing and that FDR was becoming a dictator.
FDR vs. The Supreme Court The actions of FDR were unique. Never in history had a President tried so intentionally to manipulate the economy. In 1935, the National Industry Recovery Act was ruled unconstitutional. The court said only the legislative branch could order the building of structures that required building codes. In 1936, the court ruled that the Agricultural Adjustment Act was a “states matter” and could not be enforced by the federal government. Copyright, USHistoryTeachers.com All Rights Reserved.
FDR Changes the Supreme Court In the USA government, if the Supreme Court declares an action unconstitutional, it must cease. Yet, the President gets to hire the Supreme Court Justices. February 1937= FDR proposed plan to add 6 new Supreme Court justices Critics called plan “court packing”; Felt new justices would most likely be New Deal supporters In 1937, FDR appointed a liberal, Hugo Black, to the Supreme Court. This gave FDR a majority and then the court backed FDR’s New Deal. Copyright, USHistoryTeachers.com All Rights Reserved.
FDR Changes the Supreme Court In 1937, FDR appointed a liberal, Hugo Black, to the Supreme Court. This gave FDR a majority and then the court backed FDR’s New Deal. Supreme Court, to avoid adding of more justices, decided to support FDR’s New Deal Legislation Court-Packing plan hurt FDR politically; Hurt his popularity
The Supreme Court began to challenge the New Deal by declaring aspects of it unconstitutional. FDR responded by filling positions on the court with judges who backed his views. The system of checks and balances meant each branch could challenged the power of the other.
Social Security was a major aspect of the New Deal and is still around today.
The bottom row is the older generation of those 65 and older. This is how Social Security works. The top row represents the younger generation of Americans in the workforce. As they work, they pay a portion of their income into Social Security. The bottom row is the older generation of those 65 and older. Since they paid into the system when they were young, they get to draw money out of the system during their retirement years. Copyright, USHistoryTeachers.com All Rights Reserved.
Minimum Wage and Social Security -The Rural Electrification Act (REA) brought electricity to rural, farm areas. In the early 1940s, less than half of farms had electricity. By 1949, 90% did. In 1938, the Fair Labor Standards Act set the maximum work week at 44 hours and created the $0.25 an hour minimum wage rule. Minimum Wage is still around today and increases over time. The Social Security Act ensured that, when citizens reached retirement age, they would not be abandoned to drastic poverty. Those who were 65 and older could draw money out of the system for retirement. It is still around today. Copyright, USHistoryTeachers.com All Rights Reserved.
The Legacy of FDR’s New Deal During the first term of FDR, the New Deal did not gain the level of economic achievement he had hoped it would gain. However, there was small improvement. Even though the New Deal did not achieve all FDR dreamed it would, he won reelection in 1936. In fact, FDR ran for more than one term and won the elections of 1940 and 1944. He died in office while serving in his fourth term as President. The New Deal did not end the Great Depression. When the USA entered World War II, the industrial activity needed for victory generated the economy and took the USA out of the Great Depression. Copyright, USHistoryTeachers.com All Rights Reserved.
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