Mapping: Locating Positions on Earth Giorgianni ~ Mapping
Coordinate Systems Earth’s coordinate system uses measurements of latitude and longitude; which are based upon Earth’s rotation and our observations of the sun and stars. Latitude measures points north and south from the equator. Longitude measures points east and west of the prime meridian.
Earth rotates on an imaginary axis at at a rate of 15°/hour. This rotation on our axis causes the sun, moon and stars to appear to move in a path across the sky when in fact, they are stationary and we are moving. (The moon is different, but we’ll get into that later . . .)
Let’s start with Latitude Latitude is measured from the equator with the equator being 0°. As we move north or south of the equator, latitude increases toward 90° at the poles. Therefore, we go from 90°N to 90°S, for a total of 180° pole to pole. Latitude affects climate by affecting the angle of insolation received at a given location. L A T I U D E
Next, there’s Longitude Longitude is measured from the prime meridian with the prime meridian being 0°. As we move east or west of the prime meridian, longitude increases toward 180° at the international date line. Therefore, we go from 0° to 180°W and from 0° to 180°E , for a total of 360°. Longitude is the basis for time zones ~ every 15° the time changes by an hour; thus we have 24 time zones. LONGITUDE
So . . . Latitude measures points North and South Longitude measures points East and West Therefore, everything in the United States is always NW [North of the equator and West of the Prime Meridian] NW NE SW SE
What measurements do we use to locate positions on Earth? Latitude and longitude Why do you think latitude effects climate? Distance from the equator At what rate does Earth rotate on its axis? 15o/hour How many time zones result because of this rotation? 24 time zones, every 15o = 1 hour What are the directions for latitude? North and South What are the directions for longitude? East and West If you are in a city with a longitude of 5oW, and you’re calling a friend at a longitude of 50oW, what is the time difference between the two cities? 3 hours [45o difference/15o/hour = 3 hours]