DEI Sustainability Model Hosted/Facilitated by: Miranda Kennedy with the NDI Technical Assistance Team Presented by: Mary Lynn ReVoir and Kevin Nickerson with the NDI Technical Assistance Team 2013 Ticket/EN Series
Questions and Comments If you have a comment or question please submit it to the host in writing via the Chat or Q&A Box to the right. Your question will either be addressed during the training, responded to in the Chat or Q&A Box, or followed up on after the training.
Disability Employment Initiative (DEI) According to the SGA, DEI project must include a plan to sustain the disability resource coordinator(s) after the grant period ends and to incorporate the promising practices that were successfully implemented by the project into the state and LWIB policies and practices. Additionally, DEI Projects at the state level and/or local level participating LWIBs are required to become Employment Networks (ENs) under Social Security Administration’s (SSA’s) Ticket to Work Program. Training and Technical Assistance to DEI Projects on operating as an Employment Network provided under U.S. DOLETA contract with NDI Consulting, Inc. and the National Disability Institute (NDI). Evaluation of the impact of the DEI Projects implementation and outcomes of operating as an Employment Network will be provided under U.S. DOL ODEP contract with Social Dynamics.
Learning Objectives As a result of today’s training Disability Resource Coordinators and other interested staff and partners of the American Job Centers will: Gain an understanding of how to forecast necessary EN activity that has potential to result in EN Payments to sustain a dedicated staff position View the EN Revenue Projection Calculator and learn how Ticket assignments and placements impact EN revenue Learn the three recommended action steps for Workforce ENs to operate a successful EN
Ticket/EN Subject Matter Expert Mary Lynn ReVoir P: (563) 568-7112 E: 5
Agenda Welcome and Introductions Review DRC sustainability handout Review of the EN Revenue Projection Calculator Action Steps – Focus on Operational approaches Q & A NOTE: The DEI Sustainability Model handout will be available for download at the conclusion of today’s webinar
Maintaining Disability Services in the Job Center Using Ticket Revenue DEI State projects, according to the SGA we operate under, must become active ENs Most ENs have difficulty with start-up costs, as this is an “outcome” driven program DEI State projects have a distinct advantage in EN start-up, as each Pilot site has at least one Disability Resource Coordinator, who can assist with EN operations and internal training What level of activity needs to occur to generate revenue to maintain a full-time Disability Resource Coordinator (disability subject matter expert) beyond the period of this initiative?
DEI Sustainability Model: Maintaining Disability Services in the Job Center Using Ticket Revenue Commonly asked questions by workforce ENs on how to sustain a DRC or disability subject matter expert Review of the logic that leads to sustainability of disability services in the Job Center by Mary Lynn ReVoir
Ticket/EN Subject Matter Expert Kevin Nickerson E: P: (607) 272-7570 Ext. 136 9 9
The Workforce EN Revenue Projection Calculator Debut Walk Through Demonstration of the EN Revenue Projection Calculator by Kevin Nickerson
Action to Achieve the Numbers Three action steps: 1) Ticket Identification of current customers --- eDataShare 2) Market and outreach to the Disability Community to new Ticket holders who are interested in working - Ongoing Beneficiary Outreach Events - Joint Marketing with Partners 3) Explore / Implement a Partnership Plus agreement with State Vocational Rehabilitation agency
Summary In today’s presentation we covered the following: Answers to commonly asked questions to position your workforce EN capacity to sustain a dedicated staff position Review of the EN Revenue Projection Calculator and the impact of Ticket assignments and placement activity on EN revenue production Three recommended action steps for workforce ENs to operate a successful EN
Next Steps Join us for our September Ticket/EN TA Office Hours to share what you are doing in your area to Market and Outreach your Workforce EN to Ticket holders and hear about what other DRCs/DEI Pilots are doing! Ticket/Employment Network TA Office Hours with Mary Lynn ReVoir and Kevin Nickerson Thursday, September 12th, 2013 from 3pm to 4pm EDT To Join the Online Meeting (please join five minutes before it begins) To join the Web portion, Go to
Questions/Comments If you have a comment or question you can: A: Submit it to the host in writing via the Chat or Q&A Box to the right, or… B: Click on the “raise hand” icon to have your line un-muted and ask your question/make your comment.
Contact Information Mary Lynn ReVoir NDI Technical Assistance Team P: (563) 568-7112 E: Kevin Nickerson P: (607) 272-7570 Ext. 136 E: 15