A new movement within SURFnet Reaching the end-user A new movement within SURFnet Brussels, 5 March 2004 Sandra Passchier Manager Community Support SURFnet
Community Support New SURFnet department since September 2003
Before Account Management Institute: Contact Person (150) End-user (750,000)
After Account Management + Community Support Institute: Contact Person (150) End-user (750,000) (+ Communication Department corporate communication)
10% of the end-users are aware that they use SURFnet
Tasks Increase use and awareness Finding out what the needs and wishes are Determine (new) services Knowledge dissemination Support institutes in their communication
How User surveys Web portals Workshops Home office support and more…
User surveys An annual user survey Insight in: use of computer / internet home office awareness SURFnet use of SURFnet services wishes and demands for (future) services Qualitative surveys in smaller groups
Web portals
Web portals (2) Themes: authentication and authorization security group communications network infrastructure streaming home office search and find
Workshops SURFnet Video Portal Group communication
Home office Cookbooks Best practices Security awareness campaign SURFkit
SURFkit www.surfkit.nl
Security awareness campaign www.laatjenietpakken.nl
And more… Brochures Promotion material Student portal (www.student.nl) SURFnet Detective Community Building …. ideas?