Please pick up an agenda and a point sheet! Spirit – Sami Teacher Appreciation – Briana Pride and Patriotism – Meg E&E- Alyssa Chamberlin Drug, Alcohol, Safety, and Health – Sydney Publicity – Open (Jordan) Community Service - Rachel Please meet with your committee now! See Simone if you need to know your committee! Please pick up an agenda and a point sheet!
Student Council Meeting September 12, 2016
Student Council pledged allegiance to the American Flag in unison.
Student Council pledged allegiance to the Texas Flag in unison.
Invocation Collin led Student Council in the invocation. SW
Ice Breaker: Penguin power team Double Dream Hands- Soulja Boy Officers led the council in an ice breaker named “form bananas”. NM
Social Media Text “Follow @BoswellStuCo” to 40404! We will be using both Twitter and your E-mail addresses to contact you and remind you of various events. Our website with have our calendar and any other documents you might need to have. Jordan Gates explained to the council how to utilize the Boswell twitter for reminders and updates on the school. The website will now have a copy of the calendar and attendance sheets for students to access. SW
Committee reports Committee Head Search Publicity is still in need of a committee chair. See Ms. Keyes & Mrs. Newcomb for more information. Committee Assignments Spirit – Sami Teacher Appreciation – Bri Energy and Environment – Alyssa Chamberlain Pride and Patriotism – Meg Drug, Alcohol, Safety, and Health – Sydney Publicity – Open (Jordan) Community Service - Rachel Collin introduced the current executive board and told the council about the open positions. SW
Class reports Freshmen Sophomores Juniors Seniors SW There were no class officers present. The idea of a student council representative to collaborate with class officers was proposed. SW
Old Business * Point sheets New Committee head for E&E Moved meetings to Lecture Hall PALS Drive Missing Meeting Protocol Howdy week Open House Mini School Membership Drive 9/11 Firehouse Visits Officers talked about their experiences at summer workshop. AR
Mrs. Arrington Birthday coming up Jordan
Shirts Please pay $15 by August 29. AR A exact shirt design has not yet been selected, officers are working on coming up with a design. AR
Water Bottle Collection We need a BAZILLION empty water bottles Starts now! Ends sept. 16th We also need beans Jordan explained how after the pancake breakfast the council would help teachers with setting up their new rooms and help them with any other tasks they may need completed.
Fundraisers Telethon: Homecoming Donation Letters 10 names and numbers who you think will donate $25. September 26 - Telethon Homecoming Donation Letters Collin explain the first aid kit fundraiser to the council. Ms.Keyes explained to the council how our first telethon would work. The idea of a car wash and restaurant nights were discussed. AR
Trinity trash bash September 17th Everyone has to get their own ride Meet at Marine Creek Trailhead at 3pm Ends at 5:30 pm Will remind everyone who signed up Collin explain the first aid kit fundraiser to the council. Ms.Keyes explained to the council how our first telethon would work. The idea of a car wash and restaurant nights were discussed. AR
Hoco Committee Reports Alumni Reception : Collin Guilbeau - sign up to work - sign up to ring items
Carnival and Community Pep Rally: Simone SMith - Encourage other groups to get involved - Sign up to bring ítems - Sign up to work the booth and set up
Ceremony Committee Meg Lewis - Sign up to work at cermenony -Donation Letters Let meg know where you plan to go 817-915-5166
Dance (decorating & ticket sales) Briana Smith - sign up to decorate - sign up for parents to help decorate and chaperone
Hall Decorating Sami - Sign up to work and bring items
HC Communications (all PR) Sydney New Sign up to help with thank you notes Make signs!
Teacher Appreciation (gifts & luncheon) Jordan Gates Sign up for parents to help decorate and chaperone Sign up to bring items
MEMBER SIGNATURE __________________ DATE ______________ I, ________________________, missed the Student Council Meeting on Monday, ______________________, because _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ____________. I understand that by agreeing to be in student council I have agreed to attend meetings and participate in student council functions. By signing below, I am verifying that I have reviewed the meeting agenda and minutes. I also agree to check the StuCo Website, Twitter, or outside room A104 for sign-ups and the like. Please sign below and attach to your point sheet. MEMBER SIGNATURE __________________ DATE ______________
Save The Date Homecoming Spirit Week - October 3-7 - Decades (50s, 60s, 70s, 80s) Hoco Carnival- October 5th Band parking lot Homecoming Faculty Lunch – October 6 Homecoming Dance – October 8 Stockyards Station Fall District – October 15 SASC Conference – October 14-18 Boo @ BOS - October 26 Inside in the science hall from 6:00-7:00 pm Red Ribbon Week – October 24-28 Collin, Jordan, and Sydney explained different listed dates, what the events were, and encouraged council participation.
Announcements Next Meeting September 26 at 6:30 Committee Mtgs 7:00 Meeting Sign up for twitter text messages Collin, Jordan, and Sydney explained the “announcements” song to the council and taught the words of the song. Jordan then announced the next meeting, first day of school, and reiterated how the council should follow the twitter. Jordan also explained how the t-shirt designs were not yet final but they would be before the next meeting so council members should bring $15 to the August 15th meeting to order their t-shirt.