Cardio-respiratory Endurance How do I know??
CRE What is a long period of time? Ability of my heart and lungs to work over a long period of time. What is a long period of time? You want to be able to work up to 30 to 60 min. **The higher the intensity the less time you will have to spend doing it.
Examples of CRE/Aerobic activity??? Running, XC skiing, biking, roller blading, soccer, basketball, boxing, kick boxing, swimming long distances
How do I know if I am working hard enough? Resting Heart Rate- the lowest heart rate that I will have during the day. It is taken upon waking to get the most accurate reading. Max Heart Rate- the highest level my heart rate should ever be. You don’t want to work this hard all of the time though. Target Heart Rate Zone- area in which I should keep my heart rate in during exercise to get a benefit
How to calculate your THRZ Take 220 (this is a given number that does not change), and minus your age from it to get your Max HR Then take your MHR x 85% for the high end of your zone And your MHR x 60% for the low end of your zone These calculations give you your (THRZ)
1. 220 2. MHR 3. MHR -Age X .85 X .60 Max HR (High # - Low #) Target Heart Rate Zone
Persons age is 30 220-30=190 Max H. R. 190 x .85= 161 High end 190 x .60= 114 Low end THRZ (161-114) BPM
Persons age is 45 220-45= 175 Max H. R. 175 x .85= 149 High end 175 x .60= 105 Low end THRZ (149-105) BPM
Persons age is 70 220-70=150 Max H. R. 150 x .85= 127 High end 150 x .60= 90 Low end THRZ (127-90) BPM
Examples: Age Max HR Top of zone Bottom of zone 30 190 161 - 114 30 190 161 - 114 45 175 149 - 105 70 150 127 - 90 What did you notice about the zone as the person aged?
Taking You Pulse Your pulse can be taken in one of two spots, either your Carotid (neck) or your Radial (wrist) Do not use your thumb, use two fingers Count the first beat and every beat there after for: 1 min (most accurate for resting hear rate) 30 seconds X 2 (easiest) 10 seconds x 6 (most accurate for exercise heart rate)
Resting Heart Rate Facts Typically your resting heart rate should be around 75 bpm or below for a teen Someone who is in good shape usually has a lower RHR. 60’s or below The better shape you are in the faster your heart rate after exercise goes back to its RHR level The better shape you are in the harder it is to raise your RHR and get it into the zone
TYPES OF CARDIO HIIT- High Intensity Interval Training LSD- Long Slow Distance
HIIT = High Intensity Interval Training Short Bursts of near maximum intensity (at the top of your THRZ), followed by short period of low intensity (at the bottom of your THRZ) HIIT is better for you because: 1. Burns more calories during exercise due to the high level of intensity 2. Caloric after burn (continue to burn calories after exercise is done due to the nature of the workout) 3. Psychologically makes the time go faster because of the variation HIIT = High Intensity Interval Training
LSD = Long Slow Distance Cardio training where you go the same speed for the entire workout with very little variation. LSD is good for burning calories and getting your heart and lungs into a healthy state, easier to do because of the lower intensity.